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MICK AND REINA sat at the kitchen table with cups of tea. "If they get caught, we're fucked," She gripped onto the mug tightly.

"It'll be fine, there's so many people in LA they can't be easily noticed," he held onto her hand to comfort her.

"In the 80's it would have been less of a risk Mick," she informs him, "but now there's not just security cameras everybody has a cellphone which comes with cameras and social media."

"Reina, they're grown men," he says, "if they get in any trouble then thats on them."

"Well yeah, but then the US governmenty finds out I was hiding you all in here," she pulls on her hair in frustration, "lets go looking for them."

She grabbed her car keys, "this Jeep is fucking huge," Mick says struggling to get in.

"I know," she starts the car, "lets get fucking going."
"Nikki do we even know where we're going?" Vince asks exhaustingly.

"Yes, we're finding that one guy," he walks ahead of them.

"White boy Rick?" Tommy catches up.

"No, but we can find him after," he continues, "we're going to find that one guy that came up to the door."

They ended up finding White Boy Rick first, they kept the money they had found in Reina's clothes to buy the dope and eventually gave up on looking for the blind man.

"Are you really this upset about it?" Tommy asks him under the tree they sat under.

"She fucking lied to us," Nikki rolls his eyes, "I don't know why you guys aren't upset."

"She had a reason not to tell us," Vince says, "we don't know what can happen now that we found out this shit."

"Nikki you're upset about a little more than just her not telling us she was involved with us," Tommy pats his back.

"Fine," he admits, "I fucked her."

"Holy shit that was not what I had expected," Vince rolls onto his back while loudly laughing.

"But I fucked her," Tommy furrows his eyebrows pointing to himself.

"Oh my fucking god," Vince cackles, "maybe she's fucking Mick right now too."

They both give him a death glare.


"I only fucked her so we could get you jealous," Nikki explains.

"Why? I don't even care about her anymore," Tommy replies.

"Well I guess she might have," Nikki shrugs, "plus I kind of just wanted to."

"Well good work man," Tommy dabs him up, "she wanted to talk about it and that was when I realized it was wrong, I have someone waiting for me back at home."

"It's about time," the man appeared from behind a tree and stepped closer, "sorry was I interrupting something?"

"Where the fuck have you been we've been searching for you for hours," Nikki stands above him trying to seem intimidating.

"Sit down pretty boy, I have other things to worry about not just you assholes," he orders.

"Is this the result?" Nikki throws his hand up, still standing above him, "for staying there."

"Not even close," the man says, "nothings even happened yet."

"Then what happens?" Nikki raises his voice.

"I can't tell you."
"Jesus they couldn't have gone too far could they?" Reina asks trying to look but still keep her eyes on the road.

"Tommy and Nikki have pretty long legs," Mick places a bottle of vodka to his lips.

TIME FOR CHANGE | MÖTLEY CRÜEWhere stories live. Discover now