The Child of the Happy Couple!

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The child's name is Hawaii. She was adorable as a baby. While she grew up she was confident, free-spirited, and beautiful. Japan saw that China had his eyes on Hawaii but Canada didn't approve so he wanted Hawaii too (Breanna I am not talking about you!). Hawaii was and still is beautiful and smart. Through her school years she would always ace and come back home with A's and B's.

At the age of 15, Hawaii was walking with her mother eating her father's dango. China swooped out of no where in front of Hawaii and took her. Then Philippines tried to stop him by couldn't reach him in time. Canada saw him and hopped back on his motorcycle (he did have a part where I was going to talk about it but I'm just being lazy).

Canada's chase:
Canada shot an arrow at the south wheel of China's motorcycle. The motorcycle fell off the road but Canada caught Hawaii. (I know how logic Canada is but he is very accurate). China ran after Canada and punched him. Canada punched China back and grabbed him by the collar (messing up his outfit) and said," don't you ever touch whoever Japan loves , is related by blood, or borned from his and Philippines blood." China yelled,"Why do I keep losing women?!" Canada replied,"Stop trying to go out with multiples of them and switch your attitude." China walked back to his home in thoughts. Canada carried Hawaii back to Japan and Philippines.

Hawaii grew up and always watched Canada do whatever he was doing. Her memory was a little blur from the fall, but remembered that she was walking with her mom and was carried by someone close to looking like Canada. Hawaii went to Canada and asked,"Canada did you carry me when I was somewhat a teenager from something I can't remember?" Canada said,"China wanted you and I wanted you so he kidnapped you and I went after you two and saved you." Hawaii hugged Canada and Canada held her tight. Canada noticed it was evening and Hawaii fell asleep in his arms and carried Hawaii home. (I really think I should role-play Hawaii) Canada stayed at Japan's house with Hawaii. Canada started to lift weights and do push-ups. Hawaii woke and saw Canada exercising and got Canada a drink. Japan and Philippines saw that Hawaii and Canada had a great bond. Canada left and Hawaii waved him good-bye and blushed.

(I know I got a little carried away and created a little love story forihe child of Japan and Philippines but come on this is fluff!)

Japan didn't have a good feeling about his daughter to be with Canada. But he knew that even though he was ought to be the enemy he was more of their supporter. So the next day he walked up to Canada and asked,"If you are man enough for my daughter drop the bear and start spending time with her!" Canada said,"The reason why I still have the bear is because I want to give it to Hawaii today and Mr.Kimajiro (the bear) approves of it!" Japan's face was speechless and he kept walking on. Philippines was doing her daily run around the neighborhood. Canada walked to Hawaii's home and saw she was alone so he asked to watch her, she said yes. Canada gave the bear to Hawaii. Hawaii blushed. Hawaii cooked him some pancakes and put maple syrup on it (Lol why did I do that possibly I will continue with the story you know I'm being lazy)

Canada and Hawaii will continue to be together but Canada knows something else is getting in the way.

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