06. Y/n's Protector (requested)

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Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: suspense; fluff at the end

Warnings: Yandere stalking, sexual harassment

Spoilers: none


Y/n's POV:

For the past month, something's been off. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it's very unsettling- like someone's been following me or something. Whatever it is, I'm hoping it's just my imagination playing tricks on me. I hate being stared at.

I'm eating lunch outside with my friends and my boyfriend, Hunter. Even though this is supposed to be one of those peaceful moments in one's life, I can't help but feel paranoid. The creeping suspicion that somebody's unsuspecting eyes were keeping tabs on me is incredibly uncomfortable.

It makes me grateful that Hunter's with me. I know he'd be there to protect me if I was ever in danger.

Even so, I'd feel weird telling him about this paranoia I've been feeling. I could sound like I'm crazy.

Luz is the first to notice my uneasiness. "Hey, Y/n, you feeling ok? You look pale."

"I-I do?" I brush my fingers against my face momentarily before setting them back down on my jeans.

Now Hunter looks concerned. "Yeah, you do look a little pale. Is something wrong?"

I hesitate to speak, but I manage to force a few words out. "Yeah, I-I'm fine. I must be lightheaded or something."

Hunter stands up and holds his hand out for me to take it. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?"

I shake my head. "No, I'll be alright."

Hunter's eyebrows furrow. "Are you sure?"

My eyes quickly scan across the rest of the table, and I see that all my friends are worried about me. "Yes, I'm sure."

Hunter sits back down next to me and starts to get a little fidgety. "Alright. I'm sorry."

I squeeze Hunter's hand gently. "There's no need to be sorry. I should be apologizing for making you worry."

Hunter displays a small smile. "Worrying about you will always be my top priority. I just want to make sure you're safe."

Suddenly, Luz squeals. "Aww, you two are so adorable! I could literally die from a cute attack!"

"Please don't die," Amity speaks up. There was a small hint of laughter in her voice. "None of us would know what to do if you disappeared on us. Who else would be our 'Guide of the Human Realm'?"

"Hey! I'm a native of the Human Realm too," I remind her.

"That's right," Willow agrees. "Y/n can always take over as Guide if Luz does end up dying from a cuteness overload."

Luz moves over to where I'm sitting, picks up a nearby stick off the grass below us, and rests the tip of the stick on my shoulder. The others start giggling amongst themselves.

"Y/n L/n, as the official 'Guide of the Human Realm', I officially dub thee to be the 'Assistant Guide of the Human Realm'," Luz announces. "From now on, you will assist me in showing the residents of the Demon Realm around the very realm we stand in. Also, you are given permission to take over for me if I somehow can't do so myself."

I blush as Luz gives her speech. I'm not used to having a whole lot of attention drawn towards me, so it makes me a little embarrassed. "Thanks, I guess."

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