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Hey guys! Is been a long time, the times go by fast..i finally decided to continue writing this story since you guys love it (almost probably) anyways, let's get in the story!

Ace pov

I was trying to find marco since he is always with pops but maybe be somewhere in the castle...who knows? Oh well it was weird, I haven't seen Pops in a while

Ace: MARCOOOO!! Ace yelled out Marco's name as he runs to the castle where is he?!

Ace starts looking around the castle and ask Izo where he is

Ace: IZO IZO!!

Izo: what is it Ace?

Ace: where's Marco and Pops?!

Izo: i dunno, ask Y/n

Ace: huh right..ace soon runs off to find Y/n

After a while, Ace eventually finds Y/n minding his business as usual

Ace: Y/n..where's Pops and Marco?

Y/n: they're chatting with Zeus-Sama.

Ace: "Zeus-Sama"?..

Zeus: yes it is i, the god of the gods


Zeus: laughs like a stupid old man I didn't know Y/n would invite friends over here..

Y/n: ...shut up

Zeus: uie

Y/n and Ace: what the actual fu-

Zeus: anyways. I have a mission for you

Y/n: what is it?

Zeus: punish humanity for me


Y/n: as you say Zeus-Sama..

Zeus: destroy big cake island with that fattass bitch

Y/n: okay.

Y/n went to do what he got ordered as i yelled

Ace: WAIT-

But it was too late, Y/n left me with this creep what the females villagers here said and uh...i dont like creeps...

Ace: oh hell nah-

Zeus starts laughing creepy like a creepy old man he is with woman..it is terrifying, i dont wanna be here anymore!!

Zeus: hehehehehehe i wonder how you would look like as a girl

Ace: and i dont-

Zeus: i will turn you into one


Zeus then turned me into a girl....................

End of chapter y'all, sorry i wasn't there for a very long time, pls forgive me and I'm sorry it was super short!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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