Chapter One: The Black Cat

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     I'm Jamie, a twenty-year old gal. I may look normal, seem normal, talk normal but who knows, maybe I really am just normal. Anyway, today, I got really bored so I came upon a very dazzling bright idea: I decided to write in a diary. Basically, nah, I've thought 'bout doin' it long before of course and I've done it a few times as well, the thing was, I always seemed to lose track and eventually, ended up losing the diary too. But I guess, here I go again.

     So today. I am lying breast flat on my bed, just started writing in my diary; it'd be about stuffs, you know like what's happened, every detail of it, how boring everything is etc. . Then, I suddenly heard a gentle thud and saw Miming, our black cat, came to my room from the window, like she often does. She walked towards me, jumped up to my bed and touched my hand (the one I'm holding the pen with) with her head then purred. Aww such a darling kitty cat! I decided to stop my scribbling for a while to pet and snuggle with her. I turned around, held her closely to my chest and then lie supine with her atop. She purred great. And it is a rather cozy, nice warm feeling for me too, I began to feel sleepy. Then queerly enough, out of nowhere at all, I heard someone singing. A woman's voice! And she's singing a Humpty Dumpty song, with a soothing motherly voice.

     I alerted myself, hey who the hell? It is quite loud indicating it to be just from nearby. I listened more carefully, and to my shock, I found out that Miming is the one doing it. She looks rather sleepy herself, with her huge, bright yellow-green eyes blinking slowly, while weirdly singing a Humpty Dumpty song hoping, I guess, to help me fall asleep faster. A Humpty Dumpty song for a lullaby! But really, what the hell? I am more awake than ever! Wait, or am I already dreaming? Must be. I gotta check myself. I slowly moved her down, stood up— "What's wrong dear, did my singing rather wake you?" What the fuck! I stood up, frozen for a while. I tried to pretend I didn't hear anything and carry on to the bathroom to wash my face. She followed me there, looking kinda worry. Oh the face! Such a darling face I tell you, if only I could describe it more better. That, it somehow made me smile and want to hug her so tight to assure her, but no. I tried to pull myself together. I washed my face a couple of times, looked straight into the mirror, then slapped both my cheeks thrice 'til I'm certain I'm really fully awake. It even kinda hurt quite a lot.

     "Is there something wrong?" she asked. It made me jump a little, so she actually can talk? "Nn-nothing, nothing's wrong." finally, when my mouth managed to speak. "Then why were you doing such things to yourself dear? See, it left red markings on your cheeks." Oh my gawd! Really, that so cute, adorable face! "Um, since when did you can talk?" I asked. She just laughed, cute little kitty laugh, then said, "Since forever." Then, there was a brief silence. At that moment, I am not thinking of anything in particular nor even ask why/how questions in my brain; totally blank. I just stood there staring at her. "Jamie! Come on down, it's time to eat." called out my mom from downstairs. "JAMIE!!" "YEAH MOM I'M COMING!" Then left her there without a word and went downstairs.

     After having lunch, I decided to go back up to my room again, the usual. I never told my mom, sis, anyone, nor ask them any unusual hint questions regarding Miming the cat's talking-like-a-human being phenomenon. I don't know why too though, I was a bit excited to spill 'em the queer news when I got down and saw their faces, but nah. Probably, no, surely, they'd think I'm turning mad for locking myself up in my room almost all the time, besides, if they had experienced the same as that, I'm certain they'll be all yelling about it anyway. Wait, what if we have the same thought? Like scared to be called crazy, freak or something, that is why they just remained silent 'bout it. God, I don't know!

     "Jamie, are you gonna be sleeping again? You just had your meal, do some walking, exercise a little." said my mom when she caught me making my way upstairs. Mom, if you only know and experience what I have experienced with our own cat, you'll never get to have any time for lame exercises. I grinned. I never really have any time for exercises even before then. "What are you smiling about?" she asked in her almost-angry tone, raising one of her eyebrows. "Well, no mom. I'm just gonna be doing some sketching." "Lying around, that's about the same. Break a sweat a little." "I'll try." "Seriously, it's not healthy to lie down right away after meal, how many more times should I have to tell you Jamie?" Sigh! "I'll try, okay." Then hurriedly went up, feeling mom's eyes piercing on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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