Short Story:

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It was 09:32pm and Phil still wasn't home from going food shopping. He'd been gone for almost 2 hours but Dan thought nothing of it, Phil was the best boyfriend he could ever have dreamed of Phil wouldn't do anything to hurt him surely. Dan layed back comfortably in his usual position and scrolled through tumblr. It felt like hours had passed and Dan started to get suspicious he then slowly heaved himself up and got out his phone to ring Phil. Ring ring ring ring ring, there was no answer. Ring ring ring ring ring still no answer. He heard a familiar ring tone coming from Phil's room. He rushed in to find that Phil had left his phone at home, Dan looked through it to check to see if anything was wrong...then he noticed. There was the name of someone in Phil's contacts that Dan had never heard of before: Ethan. He looked through the texts, it read "when are you coming?" And Phil had replied with "now :)" Dan was more suspicious now than ever. Phil had lied? He told Dan he was going shopping for food? Palms sweating with panic, Dan plodded down to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of malteasers from the cupboard to try and calm himself. What was Phil getting up to? Dan's mind started to race making him feel dizzy with fright. All those thoughts of Phil secretly with someone else... He tried desperately to push those awful thoughts aside. They wouldn't go away, he switched some music on to see if that would help. Nothing was working.

The night rapidly started to creep up on Dan and before he knew it, he heard footsteps coming through the door. With a stern expression on Dan's face, he said "What have you been up to?" Phil looked confused. "What? I went food shopping, just like I said" he replied, his voice shaking a little.
"The texts. I saw them." Dan said in a quiet voice as he lifted up Phil's phone.
"What texts? What are you on about?"
Phil's eyes widened in shock. He jumped and grabbed his phone out of Dan's hand.
"You weren't meant to see this." Phil whispered with his eyes filling up with tears.
"You lied to me" Tears now pouring from Dan's sore, red eyes.
"It's... It's not what you think Dan, I,"
But before he could finish Dan stormed into Phil's room and swung Phil's wardrobe door open with full force. He grabbed Phil's clothes and shoved them in a bag, he grabbed the rest of Phil things and violently crammed them in too.
"Dan stop!" Cried Phil.
Dan pushed Phil out the way with no hesitation. Quickly he then zipped up the bag frantically then just stood staring at it with tear drops falling onto the carpet. Phil got up slowly and gently held Dan's shoulder trying to comfort him.
Angry, Dan said in a very cold voice, "leave."
"But if you would just listen..." Phil tried to explain but was cut off by Dan.
"JUST GET OUT OF MY SIGHT." Dan yelled, more streams of tears rolling down his flustered cheeks as he pointed to the door, his hand shaking.

Phil looked horrified, he just stood looking at Dan but then knew... He had to leave. He ran out the door and burst into tears, he dropped something on the way out, but he didn't care he wanted to be alone.
Dan heard a thud from downstairs and looked to see what had happened. Phil had gone. Dan was yet again alone. However, he had noticed that Phil had dropped something on the way out. It was a tiny black box. Confused, Dan opened it and inside... Was a ring. What? Dan also saw a note that had clearly been written by Phil, he could tell from the beautiful handwriting. Carefully, Dan opened the note, it said: "Dan, I love you so much, will you marry me?"
"No. No no no no." Dan thought, "What have I done!?"
All this time Phil was out he had been looking for a ring for Dan. He'd wanted to keep it a secret so he could surprise Dan at the perfect moment. Ethan was someone who worked at the jewellery shop and had Phil's number because he knew he was planning a very special event.
Just after Phil ran out the house, his eyes drowned in tears of remorse. He couldn't see. He kept running not knowing where he was going. He heard a car racing towards his way, but he was too angry with himself to care. Running faster, faster ,faster. He heard the horn of a car bellowing fairly close to him, he didn't hear over his own screams. The car couldn't stop, it kept racing at the same speed towards Phil.

Within seconds, Phil was lying in the middle of the road unable to move or make any noise.

Unknowing, Dan sprinted out the house, not bothering to lock it in a desperate urge to find Phil. His loving, sweet Phil. Panting, his chest started to strain and his legs became weak but he didn't care. He screamed and wailed
But before another word came out of his trembling mouth, he saw. The blood, the ripped skin. Was this a nightmare? No. Dan could never even imagine anything this horrifying. Dan rushed over to Phil scooping him up in his arms.
"Come on Phil, wake up I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry. I shouldn't have skipped to conclusions. I hate myself for ever thinking you had cheated! I love you so much, don't leave me, not now. Not with everything we have been through. Not with everything yet to come." Dan's heart filled with sorrow as he realised... It was too late.

Nothing but self hatred and regret filled the frozen air.

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