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• This chapter takes place the day Rin invites Kiyomi and Sora to his house (Chapter 10)


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"Kids!" The brunette heard her mom call as soon as she entered the house.

"Yeah, mom?" she answered, taking off her outdoor shoes and placing them neatly against the wall.

"What do you want for dinner?" The older woman poked her head out from the kitchen and into the hallway. "Kiyomi's not with you?"

"Nope. He's going to stay at a friends house. Didn't he text you?"

The mother walked back into the kitchen and tapped her phone (that was on the counter) only for it to reveal a message from her son. "Huh...I guess he did."

"Yeah and they didn't even let me stay, too!" Kana complained as she sat in the living room across the hall. "It's not fair at all!"

Mei, the mother of the twins, sighed. "Kana, his friends aren't always going to be your friends, too."

"Then why do mine have to be his?" Kana looked behind her from the couch. Her knees pressing  into the soft cushion as she leaned her chin into the palm of her hand.

"Really? Name one."


"Oh! That really sweet foreign exchange student? You should bring him around more often. And let him stay for dinner, too."

"Mooomm!" Kana rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, Kana, if that sweet boy wants to be friends with your brother, then just let him be. You can't control who he wants to be around." The older brunette told her daughter. "Besides, with the passing of your father, Kiyomi must be feeling lonely. It would be good to have someone like him around your brother." Remembering what became of her ex-husband truly saddened Mei, but imagining what her son must be feeling."Please be more understanding of what he's going through."

Mei was surprised when Kiyomi chose to stay here and go to school with Kana instead of picking the boarding school abroad. She assumed he wasn't comfortable being around them....but maybe they can be a family again!

Of course, Mei wouldn't force it if that's not what he wanted, but the thought did make her happy.

"Go put your bag away and change out of that uniform. I don't like seeing you guys in uncomfortable clothes while at home."

"mmkay..." Kana pouted. She got up from her spot on the couch. Going down the hall to her bedroom, Kana heard a buzz come from her phone. It was from Issac!

"Did you get home alright?" Kana read out loud. "Yes—I...did! You?...aaand send!" She mouthed each syllable as she typed. She might not be able to stop Issac and Kiyomi from being friends, but she was obviously the one with a more deeper and understanding friendship with him. Issac probably doesn't even think about Kiyomi outside from when their together.

Kana placed her phone on the short table in the center of her room to let it charge. She hanged her school bag on the hook next to the bedroom door and quickly changed out of her uniform. Kana checked her phone one last time. She huffed to see there was yet no reply from Issac, but decided to leave the device and go back to the living room.


Did you hear from Kiyomi? Issac typed into his phone. Even though he was together with him just moments ago, the black haired beauty with beautiful rósate eyes was stuck in his mind.

Issac sighed. He deleted the text and instead typed in Did you get home alright? before clicking send. He tossed his phone further onto his bed from where he was laying on his back.

The phone quietly buzzed.

Issac didn't feel like checking it. He felt immensely tired and was just glad it was the weekend.

Issac got up from his bed and changed out of his school uniform. Leaving nothing, but his boxer briefs. He threw the clothing into a gray hamper at the foot of his bed and made his way towards the bathroom in his single flat apartment.

As a foreign exchange student, it was agreed upon that Issac would live with a family that would be most willing to care for and guide him through this new environment. That family was the Kimuras.

Despite all of that, the Kimuras wanted Issac to be a little more independent while he was here. They rented out a nice studio apartment nearby for him to live in. The nice people even pay for all of the utility bills, including rent, and send him money every month for groceries.

They make sure to visit him and invite him over, too.

Issac felt as though he was intruding on these people and took a part-time job as a cashier for a retail shop. He offered to help pay for what he could afford, but the Kimuras insisted that Issac do no such thing. Urging him to focus on his studies and himself more. To save what he earned.

Issac turned the knob. Crystalline droplets pattering against the rimed, tiled floor and down the drain. He stripped himself of the remaining undergarment as he stepped inside. The cool sensation sent shivers all the way to his finger tips. Chilling vibrations running down his smooth, chestnut skin.

Issac liked taking cool showers. It was rather refreshing.

As soon as he finished, Issac quickly dried himself off and wrapped a towel loosely around his hips. Few drops of water fell from his dark hair and onto his lean figure. Rolling down each effortless curve and towards the white towel waiting for any sudden maneuvers for it to
reveal— oh. Issac has already finished changing.

He had left the bathroom and changed into an oversized white t-shirt and blue sweatpants. Was he wearing underwear? Who knows.

The towel that was earlier wrapped around his hips was tossed into the hamper. Edges spilling out.

Issac grabbed his phone from his bed. Deciding it was finally time to text Kana back, he typed in: I did, too. Sorry for the late reply. I was showering. Then he added the emoji that looked sad with a bead of sweat dripping down.

There was no reply. Issac assumed Kana was having dinner and felt it was time for him to start cooking, too.

He wished he had asked Kiyomi for his number. At least then, he'd know how the cunning fox was doing.


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