Chapter 9: a pictures tell a thousand words

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/ Hetalia Ukraine POV \
I walked into the house, it was quiet and calm. It was quant and homey.
    "It's calm, I like it" I said quietly.
    "That's good, we like to make feel at home" Ukraine said happily.
    "Is there anything you would like us to call you so we don't get confused?" Poland asked.
    "Um, if you'd like you can call me Iryna" I said calmly ( quick little A/N: that name is from the wiki and is not confirmed).
    "I love your name! It's so beautiful!" Ukraine said admiringly. I looked around the house and I found an array of photos, most of which including Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine. Others were of Germany and Poland, and what a could assume was Ukraine's family as it included Russia, Belarus, and a few others.
    "do you mind if I look around and explore?" I asked.
    "of course! Let us know if you need anything, we'll be in the kitchen making dinner." Poland said happily. I nodded my head and walked towards the picture frames. I look at the one in the middle, it was a picture of Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine. The frame had the words "best allies and friends we could ask for" engraved on it, I gave a smile. The majority of them were like this, a happy picture. I walk to another photo and saw and cracked frame. It was on a a small table with a few other photos. I picked it up, ow! Im bleeding! I looked down at my hand and shrugged it off, continuing to look at the photo. It was a picture of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine as children when I first saw it I only noticed the glass was broken, but now I'm looking at it closely I saw something else. Russia's and Belarus's faces were scribbled out, there was a small broken heart on Ukraine's chest.
    "Ukraine!" I yelled. She speedily walked in the room.
    "This photo is broken" I said to her holding the photo up.
    "Oh, don't worry it's fine" she said quietly.
    "By the way, dinner is finished" she said louder than her last words. We walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. I began to eat the food that was on it.

~~~ Time skip ~~~

I looked at the clock next to the TV where we were watching some news. 10:00? Already? I asked myself in thought. I looked back at Ukraine and Poland, Ukraine's face was buried in her face while Poland was comforting her.
    "would you like me to turn off the TV? It's clearly making you upset." I asked the sad Ukraine.
    "S- sure Iryna" she whispered. I quickly picked up the remote and clicked the off button. I placed my hand on her back
    "We can beat them, I know we can" I whispered to her, she looked up at me and smiled. She glanced at the clock that I looked at a minute ago. She had a surprised look on her face.
    "10:00 already? Would you like to go to sleep?" She asked me.
    "Sure" I said in response. The three of us got up and headed up the stairs, Ukraine gave me some cloths I could wear, she showed me to the guest bedroom. I sat in the bed while staring at the ceiling, every couple of minutes I looked at the digital clock in the room until it eventually turned 2:00. I heard something, a loud Crash! I quickly jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and saw Ukraine standing there, with her hands by her side.
"Ukraine..." I said quietly, she looked at me and hide her hand behind her back as quick as possible. I rushed over to her and grabbed her hand.
"oh dear, come here let's go clean you up and bandage your hand" I said said very concerned. She gave a quiet nod, before we ran to the bathroom to get her bandaged I looked at the thing that made the noise. It was a picture of her and Russia, broken, laying on the ground, bloody and sad. We ran into the bathroom and I told her to rinse her hand while she told me where the supplies were. I took off the bandage the were already on her hand, which I presumed was from the war, and she turned the water on. She let out a quiet Wimper when the water touched her bloody hand.
"it should be good to bandage" i said after about a minute. She took her hand out of the water, and dried it. She put out her hand to me and I began to rap it.
"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.
"Yes, I think so" she responded. I finished rapping her hand and looked at her trying to read her emotions, but failed. She is surprisingly good at hiding them
"Go get some rest, I'll check on your hand in the morning" i said with a smile to the much younger version of me. I walked back up the stair, lay in the bed, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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