Hidden Enemies

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I watch from afar; a smirk playing across my lips as I see the Spirit Dancer ruthlessly attack the Guardian. My yellow, cat-like eyes dance with fire. A breeze ruffling my black hair and the evening light causing my green tinted, scaly skin to shimmer. My mind already planning how I could use this to my advantage. If those were the people chosen to protect this realm then I have already won. Childlike excitement flicker in my eyes at the thought of capturing humanity. But my excitement is quickly overshadowed by annoyance. My comrades or better called a acquaintances obliviously flirt behind me. Working with sex demons is only a small price to pay. Just put up with it, Iris.

It is as if they don't remember there in a war. All over each other like a fat kid on chocolate. Ace, my first acquaintance, flashes his winning smile with brown eyes that could melt even the coldest of hearts. His handsome face could catch the attention of even the most devoted wives. My own will power is keeping me from falling into his traps of deception. Not even I could deny how good the matching fedora and suit looked on him. Practically throwing herself on him is Widow, my second acquaintance. She wears a black, skin tight dress, which accents her curves. Curly blond hair hanging over her delicate face. Her grayish blind eyes giving her the advantage of acting helpless, a trick that many men have fallen for. Her dreadful acting doesn't fool me. I wouldn't have chosen if she were weak.

The next two which sit beside me. Can only be called friends. A word rarely used by demons. My third acquaintance, Alice, doing her best to watch quietly, but her lashing tail betrays her excitement. Her sharp amber eyes alive with fire. She has a petite body and legs built for speeds. Deadly claws digging into ground in anticipation. Her fangs glinting in the fading light. Her cat-like ears strain to hear the conversation from our foes. As childlike as she may seem, her cleverness surpasses even my own. But her downfall may be the friendship we have created. On the other side of me is Ari, my final acquaintance. His wolf form for the time being is hidden. I can't help but detest his human form, such power should not be limited to a weak body like that. His shaggy, pure white hair brush his pointed ears and his crimson eyes burn with rage. He pledged his loyalty to me long ago, saying: 'I do not love you, but I will follow you.' A fierce companion and powerful opponent in battle. These demons are my elite four.

"It seems our foes aren't united." I say with a sadistic smirk. I spot a hint hunger in Widow's eyes. A hunger that yearns for battle and blood. Ace unreadable gaze brings waves of nervousness upon me, his unpredictability making me suspicious. Ari merely growls in anger, as if mad that those pathetic humans didn't just surrender. Alice trembles in excitement, seeing this as an opportunity to please me.

"If they aren't united then we can use this to our advantage. They're weaker if we can get them isolated, easier to kill that way." I explain. "We take out them out, then we can move on to the White House, where we can achieve true power. With our combined forces and our growing army this should be a breeze. We need to be patient, the army isn't big enough yet. But first I will send in Widow and I to spy. I need to know what they have on us. That is all I have right now. You are dismissed."

My elite four vanish into the city. Alice lingers to say goodbye, her eyes reveals that the days are lonely without being at my side. Now I stand with Widow, the hunger in her eyes growing stronger at a frightening level. I watch as the sun sinks low in the sky, giving the moon it's throne. I lose myself in the beauty of this world so different from the rotting, starving realm that I once called home. I am no longer content, dreaming jealously for the chance at being human. I couldn't be human, it wasn't possible, but living in this realm was enough. I truly am a fool relentless chasing after a dream. I want, no need this world and I am willing to do anything to have it.

Siren (Iris): In Greek mythology sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. (Got this from Wikipedia).

Encantado (Ace): In Brazil, and the rain forests of Amazon Basin, the Boto river dolphin was believed to have shape shifting powers. It could turn into a very charming and beautiful man called Encantado, or "enchanting one." Encantado would take woman back to the river, retake dolphin form, and impregnate them. Young woman in the region were wary of any man wearing a hat because, according to legend, Encantado always wore a hat to cover up his blowhole. In many parts of Brazil it is considered bad luck to kill Boto river dolphins. If you kill one, or in some cases just look them in the eye, it is said you will suffer nightmares for the rest of your life. (Got it from Listverse.com).

Succubus (Widow): A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus. It drains the life force of its victims. (Got it from Wikipedia).

Animalia (Alice): Clever beings which live closer to the animal kingdom than any other demon. They sport animalistic features such as ears, tails, wings, horns, ect. Primary powers include mass control over a specific species of animals, yet are capable of obtaining other attributes. Those they bond with are their weakness. (Don't remember where I got it).

Wolf Demon (Ari): Pretty much a really big, demonic wolf.

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