Perfect Host

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I gaze down at the home of Mary, getting sick watching their reunion. I glance at Widow, she stands beside me, waiting for orders. I need to infiltrate their base. My appearance gives me trouble, because no sane human will think I'm one of them. I look like the demon I am. Suddenly an idea comes to mind, that same sadistic smile playing across my lips. "Widow, I want you to visit the Guardian. Get as much information as you can. If the opportunity arises, kill him," I order. I watch her face brighten, she licks her lips as if she's imagining his death.That weak girl act must be wearing off.

"Understood,"  she grins before vanishing into the night. I'm about to leave when a different a feeling catches my attention. I glance back at the reunion, that affectionate atmosphere is overshadowed by a very different emotion. The feeling hovers over the human male like a dark cloud; it shines in his eyes and fuels his actions.Blood lust. So much blood lust. How did I miss it?

"Perfect," I say. His blood lust matches my own. While we yearn for different blood, I still see potential. My eyes scan his body, my smile growing wider. His body lean and strong, perfected by rage. He's perfect. How lucky am I that the answer to my problem just appeared? No longer will I have to worry about my appearance. I've just found the perfect host!

I watch as one by one the lights in the house vanish. Once darkness has settled over the home, I slip into his room. He tosses and turns in his sheets, lost in a nightmare. Just looking at him, I can feel a spark of curiosity. Without thinking, my hand reaches out, my fingers brush against his sweat-soaked skin. I jerk my hand away, confused as how soft and defenseless his skin feels. Humans are...fascinating.

"Don't worry, Jermaine, you'll make a wonderful vessel," I whisper. Enough playing around, time to get to work. As quickly as possible, I connect our mind. Slipping into his subconscious, I can feel the connection growing stronger. Soon, I am pulsing inside him, two heartbeats within one chest. His memories flood into my head: death, destruction, murder. I smile, I'm beginning to like him more and more. A mixture of dread and excitement coursed through my veins as I thought about the last step.

"Where am I?" asks a voice behind me. I almost jump, forgetting in the excitement that I'm in his subconscious. Jermaine walks toward me, staring confused at the barren landscape. His eyes narrow as we lock gazes, bracing himself for another nightmare. I expect him to scream, but he stays silent. How intriguing.  "What are you? No, who are you?" he asks.

"I can be anyone you want," I answer, my lips curling into a smirk. I sing a high pitched note with ease, the illusion changing my appearance. My black hair turning a beautiful chestnut color. My cold smile becoming warm and inviting. My scales are gone, replaced with smooth, human skin. My eyes lose their savagery and look at Jermaine lovingly. With a single note, I can become what your heart desires most.

"Mom..." Jermaine mumbles, his eyes conflicted and confused. I take few steps toward him, wrapping him in my embrace.

"Its okay, I'm not mad. I forgive you," I say softly. He struggles for a few moments, but soon loses strength.

"You're not real. You're dead," he protests weakly. I forge on ahead, I can feel him subduing to my attack. Everyone wants their mother to love them; not even a monster like him is different.

"Accept me, Jermaine," I whisper soothingly, hugging him tighter. Possession is nearing complete. I try to muster as much kindness and love as I can, which is considerably harder for a demon. I stroke his hair and surround him with warmth. Just a little more and he's mine for the taking.

Suddenly, I hear laughter in the air. It starts as a chuckle and turns into a cackle. Before I can react, his fist grips my throat. He gives me an insane grin, eyes full of madness. "I fooled you, didn't I? You're not my mother, she would never forgive me," he says, watching closely as body slowly turns back into my normal appearance. Becoming bored, he drops me like a worthless toy. I choke and gasp, clinging to life. I look up at him, rubbing my neck. His hand marks wrap around my throat, a cold reminder that I lost today. I'll make him suffer for that.

"You'll accept me soon enough, Jermaine," I coolly.

"I don't know what you want, but there's nothing you can do to make me accept you,"Jermaine scoffs. My neck burns, the humiliation of defeat coming in waves. Despite all of this, I feel an animal craving rise up from the deep. This only makes me want his soul more. I jump to my feet, our faces inches apart. I press my finger against his chest, right above his heart.

"I've already trapped you," I grin. "There's no where to run, your heart is my new home."

"Don't underestimate me. I killed bigger things than you with my eyes closed," he smirks, his eyes narrowing. He shoves me away. I search his eyes, but I see no fear. The craving almost becomes unbearable. Finally, a human worthy of my presence.

"I want your soul and I always get what I want," I say.

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