Chapter 2: Dinner and Developing a Plan

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{Chapter Note: Some of the characters will be speaking in different languages, like Huttese and such. You'll see the full translations at the end of each character's line, but it'll be certain characters because I don't know all of the translations.}

{Also, since I'm using the Star Wars Huttese Translator and Huttese For Dummies websites for the Huttese translations, some of it may not be perfect in this chapter. So I apologize in advance if some of the translations are not exact}


After leaving Watto's, Anna and Anakin were walking through the streets of Mos Espa, making their way back home.

Anna: "Remember Ani, we have to stop at Jira's to get some pallies for dinner."

Anakin: "Yeah I know, Mom told us this morning."

Anna: "I'm just reminding you."

Anakin: "I know you are. You don't have to remind me of everything all the time!" (he exclaimed)

Anna: "I'm just trying to be the responsible sibling here."

Anakin: "Wha-" (In shock, Anakin stops walking) "You think that I'm not responsible?"

Anna: (crosses her arms over her chest and raises her eyebrow) "Who was the one that got into that fight with Greedo the other day over a battery converter?" (Anakin attempts to think of an answer, but just ends up stuttering) "Who was the one who forgot to pack the extra water packs when we took that trip to Mos Eisley?" (Anakin still only stuttered as he couldn't think of an answer) "And who was the one that broke Mom's favorite vase and tried to hide the-?"

Anakin: "Alright, alright!" (He exclaimed, interrupting his sister) "I get the idea. No need to rub it in my face." (He starts walking again)

Anna: "Well, you know that I'm six minutes older than you." (she said as she followed after her brother)

Anakin: "I know. I'm not a baby." (he shrugged)

Anna: "I'm just doing my job as your older sister and protecting you."

Anakin: "I don't need protection. I can handle myself. Have I not gotten injured before? No, I don't think so."

Anna: (scoffs and mutters under her breath) "If that's not the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy."

Anakin: "What was that?" (he asked, turning back to face Anna)

Anna: "Nothing!"

Anakin just scoffed to himself as they continued walking. The twins rounded a corner, and saw the orange aquatic creature that came to Watto's shop earlier being tackled to the ground by a Dug.

Anakin: "Uh oh. Looks like Sebulba is about to beat that creature up."

Anna: "Not if we can do something about it. Come on."

The twins walked up to Sebulba just as he was about to punch the Gungan.

Anna: (speaks Huttese) "Chess ko, Sebulba. He's du porko tee-tocky outmian. Ooesn't buu-derstand kava things operate around wata." {Huttese translation: Careful, Sebulba. He's a big time outlander. He doesn't understand how things operate around here.}

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