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ALISSA STRUGGLES TO KEEP a strong demeanor as she watches her younger brother have fun with his friend, Armin

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ALISSA STRUGGLES TO KEEP a strong demeanor as she watches her younger brother have fun with his friend, Armin.

Over time, Alissa grew to accept the fact that she can't keep watching over Eren for such long periods of time. I mean, he is 18 years old for fuck's sake. Alissa basically raised Eren on her own, sent him to school, cooked him food, payed for his tuition, picked him up from school, went to parent meetings for him, she did everything a mother would do.

She rarely has time to focus on herself, imagine working while raising and providing for your brother who's soon entering college, trying to graduate college and get a good job and good degree.

"Eren! I'll be staying in my dorm, the food's in the fridge, reheat it, and please no parties." Alissa said sternly, tapping a finger on Eren's chest. The said boy raised his arms up as if he was surrendering, "I know, I know, no parties. Armin will be staying over, is that okay?" Eren asked, Armin waved shyly from behind Eren.

Alissa's stern expression softens, she nods and says, "Of course! Anything for Armin." She says. Armin giggles, "Thank you, Alissa." He says politely as Alissa ruffles his tuff of blonde hair making Eren's eye twitch at their touchyness. "Hands off Armin." The emerald-eyed boy demands, slapping his sister's hand away, the red haired girl glares at Eren and smacks his head harshly.

Alissa sighs, and kisses Eren's head gently, as well as Armin's, "Lock the doors and enjoy yourselves, I'll be staying in the dorms for the next 2 months." Alissa says, and places her shoes on. Armin frowns, "2 months?" He questions, to that, Alissa smiles sadly, "I'll have to, I have lots of activities." She reminds, and says short goodbyes, Eren pouts.

"Quit pouting like that, you sweet boy.. Take care of Amrin." Alissa says, "See you after 2 months, take care of yourselves." She says, entering the taxi Armin called for her.

Once she arrived at Paradis National University or PNU, she was greeted by her Political Philosophy teacher, Professor Erwin Smith.  She bows in respect, "Good morning, Mr. smith." She says politely with a wide smile, Erwin bows his head slightly, "Good morning, Ms. Jaeger, I believe I have yet to check your speech for PNU's Annual Anniversary?" Erwin asks with a soft smile, Alissa nods and gestures towards Erwin's classroom.

"Shall we, sir?"

𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑 • Erwin Smith x OcWhere stories live. Discover now