1. 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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ALISSA EXPECTED HER PROFESSOR'S impressed expression, but to her disappointment, he looked rather dissatisfied with the result of her speech for the annual anniversary

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ALISSA EXPECTED HER PROFESSOR'S impressed expression, but to her disappointment, he looked rather dissatisfied with the result of her speech for the annual anniversary. Alissa felt her nerves get to her, and she fiddled with the ends of her skirt, biting her inner cheek. Erwin took notice of this, and sighs. "It's good, Ms. Jaeger." He said simply, resting his cheek on his palm as his eyes roamed the words of her speech over and over again.

Alissa purses her lips, and clenched her fists, forming a smile, "Let's cut to the chase, what's wrong, sir?" She asks in frustration, nervously tapping her feet.
"No, it's a good speech. It just... Does not embody the speech the school expects of you." Erwin admits, frowning.

"We expect a firm and touching message, but to be frank, from reading this, it does not seem like you cared to write something good. Don't get me wrong, Ms. Jaeger, you are an impressive writer. But this, is not one of your good writings. Rewrite it, please." Erwin admits, handing the papers to her once again, to be honest, Alissa really DIDN'T give a fuck about the speech, I mean can you really blame her? She has like 2 jobs, she's raising her brother, paying rent, juggling extra activities for extra credits, and a top student which teachers rely on  alot.

If anything, the speech was less of her worries. She sighs, taking the papers, "Alright". She says dismissively, frowning. Erwin sighs at her behavior, " Actually, help me grade my papers for a while, ms. Jaeger." as soon as that statement left inis mouth, her shoulders slumped slightly. Erwin gestures for her to sit on a seat right in front of his paper-filled desk. "Kindly grade this stack." He said politely, placing the stack of papers down, and handing her a red ballpen.

Alissa and Erwin graded the papers silently, though the girl couldn't help but steal glances and stare.

There was no doubt he is handsome. From his tantalizing blue eyes, shiny blonde hair, and defined features, surely many have fallen for him. Though, according to many people, even her professor Smith, he wasn't married. "You're staring, Miss Jaeger." Erwin remarks, raising his eyebrows, he found the girl rather interesting. Paradis after all is a fairly small island, not necessarily very small, but small enough for rumours to fly through ears quickly.

He's heard of rumors about Alissa Jaeger's family, but he knew better than to indulge himself in those conversations. After all, he is wiser than to listen to talks about others.
"Sorry sir." Alissa muttered, continuing to grade the papers he handed her. Erwin watched as her eyes roamed each word, although she looked absolutely uninterested in reading every single answer and word, she still managed to grade every paper correctly.

Alissa was unfortunately to focused on grading to notice her phone vibrating, Erwin tried to ignore the sound of the vibration of her phone, but once he finally took notice of the contact.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑 • Erwin Smith x OcWhere stories live. Discover now