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The people didn't dare to talk back to Tenn. Again, thoughts were divided between those who supported and those who opposed the decision, and those who were still on the fence.
Now all that's left is for people from both kingdoms to meet and to sign the formal agreement.


Meeting in a neutral place, many of the high powered people from both kingdoms were summoned. Whilst the meeting may be long, it would prove to be all worth it in the end.

At the end of it, the two kings shook their hands in agreement. It was then the sufferings of the war and the relentless battles were over, though that doesn't mean that's the end of the endless work.

With the two kingdoms combining and classes dissolving, the government is established. No more abuse of power from nobles and now everyone is to be seen as the same. Many of those who have already been helping with official works such as Momo and Yamato will continue to work in the government, and those who used to be commoners now have a chance of helping future developments.

At first many ex-commoners were hesitant, but Haruka's example of being the ex-king's attendant gave the people hope. While some who worked in the castle before continued to work in the government, others decided to pursue their passion.

Well, the two ex-kings couldn't just run away from their duty just yet. Just because they aren't the kings anymore, that doesn't mean they don't have work.

Being the face that represented the people of their kingdom and given they have experience in political issues, the two continued to help rebuild the society and shape it for the better, and to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Now that everyone is equal, Riku can finally be casual with anyone, not having to worry about getting weird looks from people! To those who were still scared that this is all a part of some scheme, their worries melted away when they met this bubbly personality.

Those who were saved by the redhead previously couldn't thank him enough and Riku was just happy to be able to talk to them again.

With the end of war and the beginning of a new era, it was no surprise that many were celebrating the end of the long war. Although celebrating, they also grieve for those who never returned home from the battlefield, and thanked those soldiers for their efforts.


It has been almost a year since the war ended.
Although there may still be some difficulties, everything is mostly resolved and everyone is at peace.

Izumi Iori looked at the portrait frame in front of him. It was an old photo of him and his family. The late king and queen, and his brother. Beside the frame was a small vial which he picked up, thinking about his family with a small smile painted on his face.

The raven head placed it in his blazer pocket and left as the sunrise rays shone through his windows.

The walk was quite far but he was already used to the long walks. By the time he arrived, the sun was already up and shining. Blue skies and birds singing.

The familiar view came into sight, yes, the very place which brought back memories of everything. His childhood, the twins, his brother...

I haven't been here in so long... yet everything is how I remembered it.

The hidden garden still remained hidden, though it's not like he minded. It was a special place for him. He used to visit here every time things got overwhelming, and to just relax in general.

Nii-san, we used to come here every week. We'd sneak out of the castle and meet up with the twins, and play until sunset.

Nii-san... your wish has came true. Everyone is happy now. The war is over. The people have a voice.

He looked at the sky as the gentle breeze hit him.

Ah... how I wish I could at least see them for one last time. At least I know that everything will be safe with them. Tenn-san has everything in control so I can rest assured.

He took out the vial from his pocket and opened it.

Well then, Nii-san. I guess I'll see you soon then.

As he drank the content from the vial, he dropped to his knees.


Clutching his chest, the pain was getting to him. He heard a voice call out to him, which he didn't predict the other would be here.


The warmth of a pair of hands held him, trying to figure out what's wrong while internally panicking.

"Ah..!" Upon seeing the vial, the other understood the situation, "Iori! What were you doing?!"

At this point, Iori was held in the hands of his friend. He could barely open his eyes as he was getting weaker and weaker, but he could still see the fluff of red hair above him.

"Oh no... we need to get you to a doctor, quickly! Hang in there, Iori."

The raven head could feel himself being picked up gently though his senses are becoming numb. Even breathing was becoming difficult as his breaths were short.

Mustering up his final energy, he looked at his childhood friend and whispered, "...sorry... I'm sure if we... get reincarnated we'll... meet again... so... until we meet... again, Riku-san..."


*Runs away*

Another fic completed!

Haha... sorry about this ending. But hey! Originally a lot more characters were supposed to die like Torao and Ryuu on a battlefield and more but I toned this down because I'm not good at writing emotional death scenes >_>

This is originally inspired my the Daughter of Evil series (vocaloid) so it is suppose to be tragic.

Anyways, thank you for reading Until we meet again. Hopefully I'll see you again in my next fic which will be out soon! So let me introduce you to the concept.

It'll be an interactive fanfic where you, the reader, will have to comment your votes on a choice, which would lead to different scenarios happening. I've decided to do something fun for my 2 year anniversary since I first uploaded the first chapter of my first fic, Spiritual Eyes.

Time really has flown by huh. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and given me words of encouragement. Whether you've been here since the start following my writing journey or if you've just stumbled upon me, I appreciate you for reading my work!

Also you'd be glad to hear I finished planning the rewrite of 3 of us so I'll be beginning to write that soon though I'll begin posting it when I finish it completely and update it daily.

Well then, have a good day/night and I'll see you next time~!

Until we meet again {IDOLiSH7 fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now