year 2

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As she walked down the halls, lost in thought, she suddenly heard a loud commotion coming from a nearby hall. Without hesitation, Sophie ran towards the noise, her wand at the ready.

As she turned the corner, she saw a group of hooded figures surrounding a young woman, who was cowering in fear. Sophie recognized the dark robes and the symbol on their sleeves - Death Eaters.

Without a second thought, Sophie raised her wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" The spell hit one of the Death Eaters, causing him to drop his wand and stumble backwards.

The other Death Eaters turned to face Sophie, their wands at the ready. But Sophie was not afraid. She had faced these kinds of situations before, and she knew what she had to do.

"Stupefy!" she shouted, and the spell hit one of the Death Eaters, knocking him unconscious.

The other Death Eaters were taken aback by Sophie's quick reflexes and powerful spells. They hesitated for a moment, giving Sophie the opportunity to act.

"Get out of here!" she shouted at the young woman, who was still cowering in fear. "I'll take care of them."

The woman nodded, and ran off down the hallway. Sophie turned back to face the Death Eaters, her wand still at the ready.

"Who are you?" one of them snarled. "What do you want?"

"I want you to leave this woman alone," Sophie replied calmly. "And I want you to leave hogwarts. You Death Eaters are not welcome here."

The Death Eaters laughed, but Sophie did not flinch. She knew that she had to stand her ground, no matter what.

"Avada Kedavra!" one of the Death Eaters shouted, aiming his wand at Sophie. But she was too quick for him. She dodged the spell, and fired back with a spell of her own.

"Expulso!" she shouted, and the spell hit the Death Eater, sending him flying backwards.

The other Death Eaters were now starting to panic. They knew that they were no match for Sophie, and they started to back away.

"Leave now," Sophie said, her voice firm and commanding. "And don't come back."

The Death Eaters hesitated for a moment, but then they turned and ran off down the hallway, disappearing into the night.

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief, and lowered her wand. She had done it. She had saved the young woman from the Death Eaters, and she had driven them out of the school.

As she walked back to her dorm after what was supposed to be a night out  Sophie knew that she had made the right choice. She had chosen to use her skills and her knowledge to help others, and she had made a difference in the world.

And she knew that there would be more challenges ahead, more battles to fight. But Sophie was ready. She was a witch, and she was proud of it. And she would always use her powers for good.

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