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A man with brown hair and strange glasses takes us around the large building. I think his name was Tom? No...Tony, yes that's it. He is strange, he's not bad...just kind of...neutral.
"...alright and this is your room, Amelie" Tony says, opening a gray door.
"Shit dude, your room is way cooler than mine" Joseph says.
"Joseph, you literally have an exact copy of her room" Tony replies, With an eye roll.
"Shut up" Joseph whispers under his breath, making me laugh.
It feels good, I haven't felt like this in a long time.
"Ok, I'm going to leave you both to settle in, ask Jarvis if you need anything" Tony says, disappearing into the elevator.
"See ya later, alligator" Joseph laughs, leaving me alone in the empty hallway.
I press my hand against the cool handle and push. My eyes are met with the sight of a gray, fancy looking room. Some people may say it looks boring, but it's way better than the shelter. A sigh escapes as I flop down on the bed. This is the most comfortable bed I've ever seen. Well, besides Emma's bed, I used to love sleeping over at hers when I was younger. Her mom would wake us up with pancakes and was always so gentle and kind. I wonder what happened to them sometimes, after I left. All of a sudden fat hot tears pour from my eyes, coating the soft sheets beneath me.
"Knock, Knock" someone says from behind my door.
I slowly get up, wiping my tears. Creakkk.
"Hey! It's Amelie, right?" A blonde woman with a thick Russian accent questions.
"Yeah, that's me" I reply, confused as to why a woman that beautiful has an interest in me.
"Cool, I'm Yelena...I'm just visiting my sister, Natasha and I heard there are newbies, so I had to check it out myself" The woman smiles, causing me to smile at the sight.
"Are you ok?" Yelena asks.
"Yeah, no I'm fine ha..." I reply awkwardly.
"Alright, if you say so, here...have this, you can talk to me whenever you need" Yelena pushes a small piece of paper into my hand and walks off, giving me a wink.
I close the door, sliding down to the floor. What the fuck just happened.


Yelena's POV:

A goofy smile replaces my neutral expression as I walk away from Amelie's door. There was something about her that made me want to know her. Maybe it was her adorable lopsided smile, or her sweet soft voice.
"Watcha smiling at" Natasha says, from the kitchen with that smirk.
God I hated when she looked at me like that, I cave and tell her everything, it's like sorcery.
"None of your business, actually" I reply, standing my ground.
"Uh huh, well I'm here when you decide to tell me, I know you will" she says, leaning against the wall.
"Fine! I met the new girl...she's adorable, like a puppy" I say, with a pout.
"Ha, I knew you'd like her" Natasha says, biting down on a slice of bread.
"Shut up" I reply, adding fuel to the fire.
"Oooh someone's mad" Natasha teases.
"Whatever, I'm going to go home now poser, I'll see you sometime soon" I say, walking towards the elevator.
"Mhm bye, Sure you will" Natasha says, drinking milk from the fridge, making me giggle at her antics.
I will be back soon, that's for sure.


A/N: Hey everyone! I hope your enjoying the book so far. I've been wanting to write a Marvel agere fanfic for the longest time because they helped me so much when I was at my lowest. So, I hope that maybe, just maybe, this fanfic will be there for someone else :)

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