Inferno's Fury

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Katsuki roamed the streets with a dangerous air of confidence, his identity boldly displayed for all to see. There was no need for a disguise; he reveled in the thrill of the upcoming battle, his bloodlust consuming him. The flames of his anger danced in his eyes, a blaze that threatened to consume everything in its path.

Suddenly, Class 3A from UA closed in around him, their faces etched with a mixture of pity and sadness. Katsuki's former classmates, once his friends, now stood before him as adversaries. Their words pierced his pride, questioning his allegiance to the league, demanding to know why he had chosen this path of darkness.

Each pity-filled remark fueled Katsuki's fury, igniting a smoldering rage deep within him. But he maintained his composure, his expression an icy mask of calm. He awaited their next move, his mind calculating, his body coiled like a tightly wound spring.

It was Kirishima who took the first step, charging forward with unyielding determination. Katsuki's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a feral grin. The fight had begun, and he would show them the depths of his newfound power.

The clash of Quirks reverberated through the air as explosions erupted, casting a fiery glow over the battlefield. Katsuki unleashed his explosive fury, his attacks calculated and devastating. He matched each blow with lethal precision, refusing to hold back against his former friends.

Kirishima, Bakugo's closest friend, fought with unwavering loyalty and conviction. He poured his heart and soul into each strike, desperately hoping to reach the Katsuki he once knew. But the blonde-haired prodigy had changed, his resolve now firmly aligned with the league.

As the battle raged on, the clash of wills and Quirks filled the air. The once tight-knit group was now divided by their conflicting ideologies. Emotions ran high, fueling the intensity of the fight. Bakugo's explosive power met the unyielding determination of his classmates, each clash a testament to their unwavering beliefs.

With every explosion, every thunderous blast, Katsuki's anger grew. The familiar pain of his past fueled his every move, driving him to push himself further, to prove his strength to those who had doubted him. He would no longer be held back by the chains of their pity.


Katsuki's explosive power surged through his veins as he faced off against his former classmates from Class 3A. The air crackled with tension, anticipation hanging heavy in the atmosphere. Each combatant stood poised, ready to unleash their Quirks in a battle that would define their fates.

Katsuki's gaze narrowed, a fiery determination burning in his eyes. With a resolute expression, he unleashed a devastating explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. His opponents, once his friends, now became mere obstacles in his path to victory.

One by one, Katsuki systematically dismantled their defenses. His mastery over his Quirk allowed him to maneuver with unparalleled agility and precision. Explosions echoed through the arena as his relentless onslaught continued, a symphony of destruction and power.

Iida, with his unparalleled speed, tried to outmaneuver Katsuki, but the blonde prodigy anticipated his every move. A well-timed explosion sent Iida crashing to the ground, temporarily incapacitated.

Uravity, fueled by her unwavering determination, attempted to immobilize Katsuki with her gravity-altering abilities. But he was a force to be reckoned with, refusing to succumb to her tactics. A series of powerful explosions propelled him out of harm's way, leaving Uravity grasping at thin air.

Asui, with her amphibious agility, lunged forward, seeking an opportunity to strike. But Katsuki's lightning-fast reflexes and explosive prowess proved to be an insurmountable challenge. He dodged, weaved, and retaliated, landing a thunderous blow that sent Asui reeling.

One by one, Katsuki overcame the resistance of his former friends. Their determination was admirable, their Quirks impressive, but they paled in comparison to his explosive might. His overwhelming power and relentless drive pushed him to new heights, outmatching them at every turn.

With each victorious explosion, Katsuki's confidence grew, his resolve unyielding. He was no longer the troubled youth plagued by insecurities. He had embraced his role as Inferno, the unstoppable force that would reshape the world. The echoes of his triumph reverberated through the battlefield, a testament to his newfound strength.

In the end, Katsuki emerged victorious, standing amidst the wreckage of his former comrades. The battle had taken its toll, leaving a trail of broken bodies and shattered dreams. But Katsuki remained standing, his fiery spirit unquenched.

As the smoke cleared and silence settled over the battlefield, Katsuki took a moment to catch his breath. His victory was bittersweet, a reminder of the path he had chosen. Yet, he knew there was no turning back. He had become Inferno, and his journey had only just begun.


Izuku, enveloped in his smoke screen, approached Katsuki with determined yet gentle steps. The smoke swirled around them, shielding their conversation from prying eyes. As he stood before the blonde, Izuku locked eyes with him, a mixture of emotions reflecting in his green orbs.

"I'm not going to fight you... I can't," Izuku began, his voice laced with vulnerability. Katsuki's guard dropped, curiosity and confusion etched on his face as he listened intently.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku continued, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and desperation. "I'm going to let you go, but... please don't leave me again," he pleaded, his words hanging in the air. A single tear trailed down his cheek, his emotions raw and unfiltered.

Katsuki's expression softened, his hardened features melting away as he absorbed the weight of Izuku's plea. He leaned closer to the freckled boy's face, their breaths mingling in the smoky haze. In that suspended moment, time seemed to stand still as the two silently shared a profound connection, their lips meeting in a passionate and bittersweet kiss.

Their feelings and unspoken words intertwined in that brief encounter, a testament to their shared history and the complexities of their relationship. It was a farewell of sorts, filled with both longing and determination.

Breaking the kiss, Katsuki's voice resonated with a quiet resolve. "I'll come back for you. I promise," he reassured, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was a promise from the depths of his heart, a vow that they would be reunited once again.

With a final farewell kiss, Katsuki pulled away and swiftly turned, disappearing into the darkness. The alleyway stood silent, only the fading echoes of their connection lingering in the air. Izuku watched him go, his heart heavy yet hopeful.

As the smoke cleared, Izuku stood alone, his mind filled with a mix of emotions. The bond between them remained, etched deeply within his soul. He knew that their paths would cross again, that fate would bring them back together.

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