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Few months later...

Things haven't been quite good between me and Aryan lately

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Things haven't been quite good between me and Aryan lately. We avoided having any conversation as it would only end up with us fighting over the littlest things.

"Kabir, while you are coming back home, pick up Aaru from her place. Let her come and stay here for some days." Aryan spoke driving my attention towards him.

"What happened?" He asked back.

"It's been long since she has come home, let her stay here for few days." Aryan replied looking at me in between and Kabir nodded.

"She just came over the weekend Aryan..."

"What's the problem if she comes home? It's her home afterall!" He snapped at me.

"She needs to spend some time with Adi, they haven't been getting enough time together." I whispered.

"Her problem? Your best friend is the one being busy with some old people in his life!" He taunted before looking back into his phone.

"Aryan seriously? What is even wrong with you! You were never like this, you have always been so understanding now what happened?" I looked back at him crossing my arms.

"Now what happened? You are asking this? I don't understand what happened to you, that you're behind bringing problems in her life. Mayra you know what Aaru means to me." He looked up at me.

"I am bringing problems in her life? Are you serious Aryan? Trust me I will never let anything wrong happen with her..." I sat down beside him

"Then why are you doing all this Mayra? Why did you ask Adi to go and meet his college friend? The one who once liked him? Why is she back in his life after so many years!" He turned towards me.

"Just let him sort out the matter Aryan, I will tell everything then." I looked away.

"You never hid things from me, what changed now Mayra!"

I never wanted to keep up anything from him, but at that very moment I hated how everything was connected.

"There are times where keeping quite is the best thing to do. There's a reason we're doing this."

"Just remember that if my sister ends up being upset because of this, then I am not going to tolerate anything!" He looked at me for once before looking away.

"My sister? Seriously Aryan? She is nothing to me? Very good Aryan, you are doing the exact same thing you did years back. Thank you for letting me know that I am not considered as a family member." I said and his gaze shifted towards me. The space between us was filled with an awkward silence.

"Mumma my hand." Amayra walked up to me as she winced in pain holding up her wrist towards me, which was injured and was bleeding.

"What happened Amayra?" I held her hand making her sit in between us. Just right then Aryan turned towards her as I held her hand in mine.

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