2. I've got it now (Part 2)

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Andy rushed downstairs with a million ideas of what was happening screaming through her mind.

Vic was already struggling to get the girl to put her mask on. The girl herself was a brunette, fairly tall, bent over in pain though, seventeen maybe and a blue coat draped over her bare shoulders. She had a pink, sequin dress on and a distressed look on her face.

"Hi. Hi, my name is Andy what's you name?"

"Um, um Kelly, Kelly. My name is Kelly, but please, please help her! Help her!"

"Ok Kelly, can you tell me what's wrong with your daughter?" said Vic, "where is she anyway?"

Kelly pointed to her belly. "My daughter."

"Oh - oh wow," said Vic, " I did not expect that."

Her water had broke on the floor of reception and she was obviously in an immense amount of pain.

A crowd had gathered and Andy was hopelessly trying to keep their distance from each other.

"I'm in labour, right? That's what's happening?"

"Yes, Kelly, you're in labour," replied Vic, "call an AID car!"

Carina rushed into the room and assessed the situation.

"I'm Carina. What's your name?" she said sweetly.

"Kelly," she said through short breaths.

"Hi Kelly. I'm an OB and I'm going to help you, ok?"

She turned to the others.

"She's already crowning, we can't get to the hospital in time," said Carina as calm as ever.

"Ok, so what? We're just gonna have to deliver here?" asked Maya.


"Is that hygienic enough?"

"No, but it will have to do."

"Ok then, let's do this."

They got her into the cleanest place they could think of: the bathroom, but with a struggle.

"I'll get towels and other supplies," suggested Maya. She was definitely trying to be helpful, even if it was to impress the doctor in the room.

Carina nodded and turned back to the patient.

"Kelly, how are you feeling? Any dizziness?'

"No, I just want to get this girl out of me!"
she groaned.

"I know, but we need to know if you feel any dizziness at all or anything else," said Carina.

Maya came back with box of supplies, from masks, to painkillers. She was stressed about the incident report she hadn't done yet but she knew this was more important.

"I'm going to step out and call the hospital, to let them know when you are coming," said Carina.

While Carina called the hospital, the other girls prepped Kelly for her not-so-ideal birthing plan.

"Ok, so the hospital is ready for you when we are done here."

"Why can't I just not go to the hospital? I mean, I'm missing prom!"

"Well because you're having a baby and the conditions your baby is being born in are not ideal or hygienic. So after, you and your daughter will have to get checked out at the hospital," explained Carina.

Kelly groaned at her.

"Aaghh!! Contraction! It hurts! Please, help her!"

"Ok, Kelly, it's time to push now. So take a deep breath and push."

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