Lore Piece #1

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For a long time mortals would wonder if a threat can truly be stopped.

They say there is hope a threat can really be stopped, but...

That was a lie.

The true threat is themselves as they keep causing the cycle to repeat, but I do not.

I ended many lives just like them.

I have no soul, but I try my best to understand how mortals work.

My existence is like a curse as I'll always keep coming back even if my body was destroyed.

My body isn't real as it's just a hallow shell it can take on the form of whatever I want since it will be my choice.

I question my existence for so long and realize it can never stop as I am forever eternal to keep returning to the world without consequences.

People would say it's a blessing, but really it's like a curse. If they keep coming back so many times and just want to Rest In Peace they would understand it's impossible to do that.

Without a soul I can't become one with the nothingness anymore as it made me into what I am now.

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