The Forbbiden Village

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832 words

Billie, Mike and Tre were chilling at a park on a Wednesday between two gigs. They were all slightly exhausted but very bored after sitting under a tree for three hours

"Oh my god..." whined Tre as he slumped down on his back

"I know Tre, I know..." replied Mike

Billie sighed, and pondered on what to do to drag the band out of this pit of monotony, he was already questioning his existence, "Ya know, we could go for a walk round the forbidden village"

"What?!" exclaimed Tre, "That sounds stupid as fuck!", he also blew a raspberry for emphasis

There were rumors about this 'forbidden village', it is said to embody the mind of whoever opens the gate 

Mike for some reason had a sly smirk painted on his face, "Actually Tre, it could be quite interesting, I know your mind is wild, I'd just like to see how so"

Billie raised an eyebrow, "Have you been there before?"


"By yourself?"

"Oh no, I went with my cousins back in 87"

"pffft, liar" said Tre and Billie collectively

"No seriously, the rumors are true, we definitely chose the wrong person to open the gates though, barely got out alive if I'm honest, I recommended that they went to therapy after seeing that, jeez..."

They gulped as Mike continued

"Anyway, we should totally go check it out, let's go!", he jumped up and made a start towards the exit of the park

Billie threw a pine cone at Mike, "You just said that you almost died! Why do you want to go back there again?"

"It's certainly more thrilling than counting all 1872 leaves on that tree"

The two beans shared a giggle, then hurried up to Mike

"Be prepared to have your minds blown, perhaps literally, I can't put anything past you two"

-------- time skip to the gates  --------

"Right, we need to decide who opens the gates now" Mike rubbed his hands together with excitement and looked at Tre

"Um, why are you looking at me?" Tre nervously shuffled his feet and looked at Billie with pleading eyes, who was also to Tre's misfortune, looking at him

"Come on guys, why does it have to be me?"

Billie placed a hand on Tre's shoulder, dramatically I hope, "Because you are the wackiest!"

"It's true Tre, we would have the most fun in your mind" Mike gently led Tre to the handle of the gates

"Um, I guess here goes nothing!", he slid the lock and pushed the gates open, strong winds pushed from every direction and all they could see was swirling colours 

"AAAaaAAAAAAaArrrrgrrhhhhh" would be an accurate description of the noises they made

The chaos eventually died down, thank goodness, and some beautiful, colourful buildings came into view

As they stumbled around, trying to regain their balance, Billie giggled, "Treeeee are you on drugs or something, cause I feel like, like I've smoked a tree, ya know!"

"I will neither confirm or deny that accusation" Tre smirked

They all strolled, or wobbled through the neighborhood, admiring the vibrant scenery, they walked up to an old, unpainted, wooden fence that bordered a small garden.

"Heeeey Tre!", slurred Mike "Whaats up with that, shit fenccce!"

"I don't know, it is way to depressing to be in this place" Tre looked confused

Billie, always being impulsive when under the influence, exclaimed, "Guuys! Let's paint this fence! We can bring some colouur and liiife back to dis old thiing."
Mike and Tre, couldn't say no to Billie's enthusiasm, agreed without hesitation, probably due to the drugs

Mike nudged Tre, "Use your braiin and summon of some paint for us to uuuuuse"

Tre nodded, squeezed his eyes shut and put his fingers to his temples, he looked constipated if I'm going to be honest

He eventually opened his eyes, but huffed in annoyance at his failed attempt, however from a distance, there seemed to be a light cartoonish whistling noise that was growing gradually louder, all of them pulled confused faces and started looking for the source of the noise

"Is it a caaar?" asked Mike

"Nah, unless someone is driving a kettle" Tre laughed 

"It proobably is someone driving a kettle, we are in your miiiiind after all"

Billie muttered, "It's probably a plane"

"Huh?" said Tre and Mike collectively

 Billie looked up, "I said it's probab-" he stopped

"Spit it out Billie boy!" Tre nudged him

"Um, T-Tre?" Billie stuttered

"Yes, Billie?"

"Do you h-have an uumbrella??"

"Why the fuck would I have an umbrella? It's summ-"

Suddenly all three of them got splatted by a huge blanket of gloopy, colourful paint

"Aaaaaargh, Tre!!!" Mike shook his head like a dog, splatting the others in the process

"Sorry" he chuckled, "I mean, the fence is painted now, it did what we wanted"

"To be honest," Billie slapped fence like a soil bag, "It looks better than what weeee could have done with it"

They all laughed, hugged, maybe cried and walked back to their hotel to wash and go to bed, gaining the weirdest of looks as they exited the village, but they didn't care, that was one hell of a tiring experience

Hello again, this was a slightly odd one, I admit, but I hope you enjoyed:)

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