Billie the Artista

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483 words

So Billie had started a new hobby, after the tour Green Day just finished, he figured that he should try out some different ways to relax, but challenge himself at the same time, first on the list was painting. He had the supplies, he just needed something to paint

He got his phone out and called a number

"Hey Snoo, I need a little help"

"Hey, Billie, what's cookin'?" Tre asked

Billie Joe smirked mischievously. "I have an idea, amico, just get your juicy ass down here"

"Oki doki"

As Tre made his way over, Billie started to set up his stuff. Canvas balanced, paints on a small table next to it, brushes in a water pot, and most importantly, a banana

knock knock knock

"Let yourself in! I'm in the basement!"

"Okay, you better not lock me in here with the rest of the children!"

"Shut up and come here!"

Tre leaped down the basement steps and set his eyes on the set up, "Whatcha doin' buddy?"

Billie whipped out his banana and threw it in face. "I want to challenge myself and paint you balancing this banana on your head. It's going to be legendary!"

Tre picked up the banana and burst into laughter, "Fuck yeah, anything I am in is of course Godly!"

"I know," Billie winked, "just stand there and don't drop it!"

"Let's see if clown school really payed off"

Tre readied himself into a stupid position and placed to banana on his head, "I'm ready"

"Right, let's go!"

Billie studied Tre for a second

I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do first

He grabbed a random brush and used a light grey paint to outline the monkey in front of him

"Stay still man, you are making this hard!"

Tre was flailing his arms in an exaggerated display of concentration, "You think that is hard? Try balancing a banana on your head!"

Billie chuckled as he finished a outline of some sort. He dipped the brush in the water to start filling the shape in. Before he chose the next colour he giggled

"What?" Tre caught the giggle and almost dropped the banana

Billie then started to flick water at Tre like a toddler

"Come on man! You are going to ruin my clothes!"

"Relax it's just water"

As the hours passed, Billie huffed and puffed, trying to get the painting to look somewhat like a human,

"Ok, Tre I think that's the best it's gonna look"

Tre relaxed and walked over with the banana still on his head, "That looks horrible, Billie" he laughed

"I know, I don't understand how those people do it, I guess this was my first attempt, and you couldn't keep still."

"Don't worry Bill, you'll get better" he patted Billie's shoulder

"Hold on, why were you flailing about, you don't seem to have a problem now!" he pointed to the banana that was just chillin' on Tre's head

"Just wanted to piss you off baby"

"I hate you" he laughed

"Love you too" Tre kissed Billie's cheek as he couldn't help but smile

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