Flashback Pt4.

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They arrived at Stiles's house and before the cars even stopped the wolves were piling out of them, eager to see what had happened to Stiles.

When they arrived the saw Derek and Peter stopped at the end of Stiles's driveway.

Isaac ran up to them and tried to run past but was flung back a few meters.

" Mountain ash?" Lydia asked bending down to see it.
She held up her phone and shon the light down and sure enough a thick line of mountain ash surrounded Stiles's house.

The pack began to shout Stiles's name as Derek and Peter stood there, puzzled expressions on there faces.

As the rest of the pack shouted Lydia walked up to them both. " Did you feel it too? In your chest?" She asked.

They both nodded and then looked directly back to the house, confused as to why the human that they both had an undeniable soft spot for had decided to barricade himself away.

After five minutes of shouting the door slowly opened. It revealed a tear stained stiles, one hand clutching a can of beer and the other was supporting him against the door frame. " Stiles why is your house surrounded by mountain ash?" Scott asked looking directly at his best friend.

" Isn't it obvious it's to keep werewolves and a banshee away from me..." Stiles rolled his eyes and took another sip from the can. " Why do you want to keep us away stiles?" Scott asked back getting as close as he could to the barrier.

" Because I hate you. All of you."

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