Chapter 2

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Beep. Beep. Beep. "Rise and Shine, Ronnie. Time for our run!" Mikey shouts from the kitchen. I roll over and glance at the clock. 5:00. Ugh.

"Mikey, can't we sleep in today? We were up until 3," I moan, covering my face with a pillow. "Sorry, sweetheart. Not my fault you couldn't keep your hands off of me," he smirks. Damn right I couldn't. After our encounter with Cal Tucker last night, I needed something to quench my thirst.

"Damn. Fine. Okay. I'm getting up." I swing my feet off the bed and head to the cabinets to grab something to wear. "How long are we running today, Mikey? I need to know if I need a sports bra or a tank top," I yell. "Doesn't matter, go with the bra!" I shake my head and shrug. Of course I couldn't ask him for real advice. What young, horny guy wouldn't want to see me sweaty and half naked.

I slip on the hot pink sports bra, black yoga pants, and pink and black Nikes and head into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast, boss?"

"Same thing as every other day. One nasty ass protein shake for you and one for me," he grimaces as he hands me the bottle with the greyish liquid. "C'mon, can't you make these taste a little less like dog shit and a little more like food?"

Mikey laughs, "Drink up, princess." We clink our bottles together and chug. Ugh. Tastes like absolute shit. Chug, Ronnie. You can do it. Almost there.

I slam the bottle down on the table. "Done," I smirk. Mikey and I always have a little competition to see who can drink this shit fastest without gagging. I win most of the time. Mikey looks at me and shrugs, "I'm just waiting for you to vomit sometime and then I'll be the ultimate winner!"

"Yeah, right. That'll be the day." I grab my headphones and phone from the bar, "Let's go, Michael James. Time to run," I wink and turn around.

"Never fucking call me-" I finish the sentence for him, "Michael James again. Got it, Michael James," I smirk and walk out the door.


Only a few more blocks, you can do it, Ronnie. Run to the bass, beat Mikey. You can do it.

I wipe the sweat out of my eyes as the house comes into view. One foot after another. You're so close. It feels like my heart is about to explode and I look over at Mikey and he seems to be in the same shape that I am. I take my headphones out and get his attention.

"You ready?"

"I don't think that I can do it today, Ronnie. We just ran 10 miles."

"You best fucking believe that we're doing it today. 5 seconds," I pant. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- I count down in my head and I propel myself forward as fast as I can. We do this every morning. We get within a few blocks of the house and then push ourselves as hard and fast as we can and we race home. It's become a tradition, so when either one of us complains, the other just doesn't give them a choice.

I can hear my heart pounding and I can feel my lungs try to keep up as I glance over and see Mikey keeping up with me. GO! I scream at myself and I push harder than I have in a long time. Staring at my legs, begging them not to give out, I reach the front yard and collapse. Not too many seconds later, I hear Mikey fall next to me. I close my eyes and listen to my heart frantically beating and my breathing begin to steady.

"Holy-fucking-shit, Ronnie," he pants, "where in the hell did that last sprint come from." I turn my head and look at him. "I don't know, I just knew that I could beat your ass today," I laugh and wince, still being short of breath. "Well, damn. If you keep pulling that shit I'm never gonna win," he stands up and sticks his hand out, "Let's go. Gym opens in an hour and I need a shower." I grab his hand and nod, "Me too." Mikey gets a look on his face and grins slowly, "Wanna take one with me?"

"Knock it off, Mikey. Wasn't last night enough for you?" He struts over to me and whispers in my ear, "I never have enough of you," kisses and licks my neck and turns around and walks inside. My breathing is no longer steady, "Fuck you, Mikey," I say under my breath and walk inside heading for the shower.


"One-Two-Three-Four-Five. Okay, drop it, Ruby. Not bad, 5 reps at 100, that's almost your body weight. You'll get there soon," Ruby sits up from the bench and rolls her eyes. "You don't have to lie to me Ronnie, I suck. I've been training with you for 6 months and I can barely lift 100 lbs. You lift, what? 200, 250? And you only weigh 135." I sigh, "Ruby, I've been training since I was 15, you know what I do at night, and I work at this fucking gym, what else am I going to do in my spare time? You go to school and work. This is just a side thing for you, for me, it's my whole life."

"I know, but still. Well, thanks, Ronnie. I'm gonna head out, it's date night with Max," I purse my lips, "Have fun, don't get pregnant." Ruby laughs, "Haven't gotten pregnant, yet, I don't plan on it tonight either." I turn around and laugh, "See ya, Rube Cube!"

"Bye, Ron...Con...Jon? Oh, heck. I suck. Bye, Ronnie!" I laugh even harder as I head towards the front desk where Mikey is talking to a customer.

"-said no. Ronnie only trains girls and that's how it is Mr. Tucker, I'm sorry. Speaking of Ronnie. Ronnie, will you please tell him that you only train girls." Right as I begin to open my mouth, the customer turns around. It's the guy from last night and he is definitely as hot as I remember.

"Miss McManaway, I just moved here and I would love to be trained by you. I'm not sure if you remember me from last night, but-" I interrupt him, "I remember you. You said I fought beautifully."

He blushes, "Yes, and I would love to learn how to fight and move like you do."

"Sorry, bud," Mikey starts in, "She's been training for 4 years to learn how to fight like that. It's gonna take a lot more than some classes to-"

"I'll do it," Mikey whips his head towards me, "I'll train you."

"Are you sure, hon? I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do," Mikey says, genuinely concerned.

"It's been a year, Mikey. It's fine. I'm fine. I'll do it." I look over at Cal Tucker. "Be here at 7 am tomorrow sharp for your first session. Bring water and you better be ready. I'm not going to go easy on you and you better not think that I won't be good because I'm a girl. I'm better than Mikey here," I smirk, glancing at Mikey.

He laughs, "If that's what helps you sleep at night, hon," he shakes his head, "You going to help him fill out paperwork, or should I?"

"You, I've got STD's," both of the guys look at me questionably, "STD's. Shit to do? Ugh, I swear. Men are idiots," I grumble, "Like I said, Cal. Come prepared. Because I won't go easy on you," I turn on my heels and walk out the door, but not before I hear him say, "I hope not, sweetheart."

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