Chapter 4 - Raise the Bars Higher

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Flames of the Sun God

A One Piece Fanfic by GreyNimbus

Author's Note:

If it wasn't obvious yet, I'm planning on replacing Luffy's Second Gear with the Six Powers, but I'll still keep the attack names the same, like "Jet Pistol" or "Hawk Rifle".

I'll also be writing the majority of this story from Luffy's point of view, so there are some scenes that I will not write about that exclude our main protagonist.

GreyNimbus out!


OP/Luffy, Mature/Luffy, EarlyDFAwaken/Luffy, NoPairing



One Piece is owned by Eiichiro Oda. I do NOT own anything One Piece related. Obviously(!)


Chapter 4 — Raise the Bars Higher

After a couple of hours of resuscitating, after Luffy's swift defeat at the hands of Byrnndi World, he, Rayleigh, Hancock, and the rest of the Kuja Pirates were currently sailing the sea on the Kuja's flagship, the "Perfume Yuda", a galleon with a pink, mansion-like structure in the middle, and paddle-wheels installed on the stern in place of a rudder. Instead of a figurehead on the bow, the ship has a pair of Yuda, a breed of ferocious and highly-poisonous sea serpents, tied to the front, where they steer the vessel. The front sail bears the Jolly Roger of the Kuja Pirates.

This ship was specially designed to sail safely through the Calm Belt.

The Calm Belt is an ocean that borders the North and South of the Grand Line, which acts as the breeding grounds of Sea Kings, colossal sea creatures that can grow to the size of islands, which makes them the biggest obstacle. This stretch of ocean acts as the most effective barrier for those who try to enter the Grand Line directly, because, for reasons unknown, there is never any wind or any ocean currents in the Calm Belt. It acts like a void where everything is stagnant, making it impossible for sailboats to travel through.

Islands, such as Amazon Lily, and its neighbor Luscaina, are located in the Calm Belt. Thanks to the Kuja's close relationship with snakes, these brave warriors were more than capable of taming Yuda to pull their vessel, protecting them from Sea Kings that could easily swallow their ship whole, as well as traversing the Calm Belt safely.

On the deck of the ship, Luffy was leaning the guard rails, staring out into the ocean. In addition to Luffy's previous apparel, he was now wearing a red, sleeveless jacket, given to him by the Kuja, with the hood up to conceal his head, at Rayleigh's request. The latter doing the same with his hood.

Speaking of the old man, who approached Luffy from behind, cleared his throat, gaining his student's attention.

"Luffy, since there's a good chance that you'll be going up against this World character soon, I'm willing to remove those restraints for you, so you can fight at your best," Rayleigh said, pointing to Luffy's Sea-Prism Stone handcuffs.

Luffy took a moment to contemplate his restraints. If he took them off, he could use his Devil Fruit powers to fight at his best. But, on the other hand, they don't have any space cuffs. If he decided to remove them, Rayleigh would have to break them off with his Internal Destruction, rendering them useless afterward, and they don't have the key or any spare cuffs.

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