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"Look, Jenan, it's the sea."

Young Jenan had to kneel on the car seat in order to get a better view of the sparkling blue ocean over the distance. It's morning and their family is currently on a trip back home after spending the weekend camping out in the woods. Kasalukuyan silang papalapit sa isang bayan na halos katabi lang ng dagat. Kahit puyat at pagod, tila hindi 'yun dama ni Jenan lalo pa't na-enjoy naman niya nang lubos ang naging lakad nila ng pamilya niya.

"There seems to be a small market ahead. Should we go and stop by?" Jenan's father asked them from the driver's seat.

"Sige," sagot naman ng nanay ni Jenan. "Mukhang gusto na ring kumain ng baby boy natin," dagdag pa nito sabay kiliti sa anak niya.

"'Ma, hindi na nga po ako baby!" reklamo naman ni Jenan.

It was a quiet and peaceful morning. As Jenan and his family stepped out of their car, he was greeted by the hustle and bustle of the people in the area. Amoy rin sa paligid ang mga linulutong pagkain. Despite being in an unfamiliar place, Jenan didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Even though it was a busy morning, the entire place gave off a calm and relaxed aura. Malaking bagay siguro na may backdrop din sila ng dagat.

Soon enough, young Jenan was already busy eating fresh steamed buns for breakfast. Dala na rin siguro ng magigiliw na mga tao at sariwang mga paninda ay nawili sa pamimili ang mga magulang ni Jenan kaya hindi nila namalayan na napahiwalay na sila sa anak nila. Still, Jenan knew exactly what to do, and like he said earlier, hindi na nga siya baby. He headed towards their car while eating his steaming buns, casting people curious looks as he walked past them.

Malapit na siya sa kotse nila nang mapansin niya ang isang bata na tila wala sa sarili habang naglalakad-lakad.

Jenan knew immediately that this kid was different from the others in this place. Kahit kasi simple ang pananamit ng mga tao rito, hindi naman gula-gulanit at marumi ang mga suot nila kagaya nitong bata. The kid's hair was also unkempt and messy. As he passed by a food vendor, the kid paused to stare at the food in envy. Still, after a few moments of staring blankly at the food, the kid continued heavily on his way – his trembling hand clutching his stomach.

Thanks to his good upbringing and rather sharp common sense, Jenan knew right away that he could be of help to someone of his age. Without even thinking twice, he immediately dashed towards the kid, greeting him with a warm smile.


The kid turned around in surprise. He seemed shocked that someone was talking to him. For a moment, Jenan thought that the kid was going to run away, pero tila mas nangibabaw ang pagkagulat nito kaya hindi ito agad na naka-react.

"Are you lost? You don't look okay," Jenan said, noticing the kid's swollen eyes. He seems to have just cried or was on the verge of crying. Strange it may seem, but the kid's eyes seemed to reflect fear. Not fear of Jenan – but of something else.

As expected, the kid didn't reply.

Dahil tila ayaw namang magsalita ng kausap niya ay inabot na lang ni Jenan ang paper bag niya na may lamang pagkain. "Here, you can have this. I'm already full anyway," he said.

The kid was still hesitant to accept Jenan's gift. Still, both of them couldn't deny that one of them was hungry. After a quick glance at Jenan, the kid finally took the paper bag and ate one of the steamed buns inside. Jenan just smiled at the kid as the latter did his best not to look too ravenous while eating.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to give you a drink!" Jenan suddenly said, shocking the kid once again. Startled, he immediately dashed towards a nearby store and fished out coins from his pocket in order to buy a bottled water. Pagbalik niya ay nandoon pa rin naman ang bata na tila abala na sa pagkain niya.

"Here, take this."

Of course, no answer.

"Uh, is it okay to tell me your name?" Jenan asked him after a few more moments of awkward silence.

The kid looked back at Jenan, his eyes dazed and distant. He then looked away before speaking in a soft, almost inaudible voice.

"Se. . . Sevy. . ." the kid replied, his ears red.

"I'm Jenan! It's nice to meet you!" Jenan said.

Sevy just replied with a small nod.

Magtatanong pa sana si Jenan nang bigla niyang marinig ang boses ng nanay niya. "Jenan, where are you?"

She sounded a little worried, kaya naman halos mapatalon sa gulat si Jenan nang ma-realize niyang nahiwalay nga pala siya sa mga magulang niya.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go," Jenan said as he untied the jacket around his waist. "Here, you can have this. It can get pretty cold outside, so you can use that. I'm really sorry if I have to leave. I don't want to make my parents worry. . ."

Sevy seemed a little hesitant to accept the jacket.

"It's fine," Jenan replied as if he knew exactly what the former was thinking. "I have lots of that back home. Besides, you need this more than I do. Take care! It was nice meeting you."

Hindi nagtagal ay nasa kotse na nila si Jenan kasama ang mga magulang niya. "Where's your jacket, Jenan?" his mom asked him.

"Someone needed it, so I gave it away," Jenan replied nonchalantly.

His mother just smiled faintly, as if this thing has happened numerous times before. "It's a good thing that we buy lots of clothes for you. Otherwise, they would've ran out a long time ago because you keep giving them away," she said before lightly pinching her son's cheek. Young Jenan just smiled at his mom proudly.

As the car sped away from the place, Jenan looked back at the market in the hopes of seeing the kid from earlier. However, the was no longer in the spot where Jenan left him. He just smiled faintly before settling down on his seat and gazing back at the ocean outside, wondering when and where they will go for summer vacation next time.

The Half SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon