Part 5: Finally Captured

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Aizawa quickly threw his scarf with his Quirk activated, Izuku dodged and fought him Quirkless, perks of teaching Katsuki with it just in case he injured himself while using his Exploding Quirk, "Why are you being so damn difficult?!" Izuku cackled, hood still up to keep his hair hidden and mask snuggly on his face to hide his face. "Because where's the thrill of not being difficult? You'll never catch me, you haven't for 6 years!" he groaned, of course he would bring up the annoying fucking truth. "And exactly why bring that up?" he asked annoyed, Izuku only shrugged all the more reason to irritate him was just so entertaining. 

Izuku dodged the attacks as Aizawa worked his way into analyzing where and when he would dodge, attack and where he would try and stop next. If he timed it correctly then he could catch him if not? Then it's the same damn charade again. He wanted to be done with this charade already and then Bunny wouldn't be his problem anymore, hell! He'll take his constant one night stand at this rate hopping to be done with this annoying ass game that he created. He whistled at he threw a punch, dodging the scarf and Aizawa entirely but felt the fabric wrap around his waist and his left arm, he blinked. Aizawa gave a shit ass grin. 

Izuku groaned as he struggled in the scarf, not that he hadn't seen this man take on people bigger than he was with this damn thing and not see them struggle themselves, how the hell was this fabric so damn strong?!


Class 1-A blinked in surprise when their teacher walked in not in his sleeping bag for once, but he wasn't alone, he had Izuku with him. "How in the hell?" Katsuki shot up as Izuku looked extremely pouty and Aizawa looked highly irritated. He was now tasked to watch him until he was rehabilitated. Fuck his life. "I hate everyone and everything" Izuku rolled his eyes, two thinish bracelets on his wrists and two larger ones on his wrists, Yaoyorozu realized what they were. Quirk cancelers. "You aren't the one forced to wear Quirk cancelers and am stuck in a school where there is an annoying mouse who's tried hacking my shit" he reminded, "Yeah? Well, the damn mouse put you under my watch I do not want to hear your complaining right now" Aizawa argued with him as Izuku flipped him off. "Fuck you" he rubbed the bridge of annoyance, "Um, Sensei, is there a reason why the number 1 Vigilante is currently in the school?" Uraraka asked, "I managed to capture him last night however, upon his custody, Principal Nezu assigned him to under my watch," Izuku let his head fall against the wall, his back turned towards the students and he hit his masked face against the wall a couple of times. 

"You hit your head any harder you're going to give yourself a massive headache" Katsuki told him boredly, was he not that surprised that Ghost Bunny was literally quite close right now? "Shut up, I rather die of a headache than be in Erasers 24/7 watch" "Neither of us have much of a choice" another groan from Izuku decided that he's done with life. Oh, how would he react when he realizes that he's been sleeping with him for 6 months without knowing that he's been the same Vigilante he's been trying to capture. That'd be funny if his situation was not the way it was now. "He's not going to attack us, is he?" Yaoyorozu asked hesitantly, "You don't touch me, and I don't touch you. Fair game, Eraser unfortunately has a free pass. Blondie with red eyes has a definite free pass and the red head known as Kirishima Eijirō is questioning" He didn't turn as he spoke, "Don't you fucking dare!" Katsuki yelled, and now Izuku finally took his head from the wall lifting his mask just a bit to show his mouth as it turned into a smirk. Aizawa narrowed his eyes, where in the hell had he seen that smirk before? Katsuki fumed, Kirishima was left questioning what was just said, and Class 1-A was just stunned. 

"I will blast you to hell you bastard" Izuku snorted making his way over as Aizawa sneakily grabbed his scarf and watched him closely unless he tried anything but blinked when Izuku just leaned on him, arm on his head grinning. "I'd like to see you try; you haven't done it yet what makes you think you'll succeed now? Also loosen the ego, will you? Or better yet confess" Katsuki pushed him off onto the floor and he laughed, Asui and Mineta backed away just a bit to avoid touching to avoid getting hurt. "Like hell I'll ever do that Deku" "Did he just call Ghost Bunny Useless?!" The entirety of Class 1-A yelled those mid thoughts. "I thought we were done with the insulting nicknames, Suki?" he got a glare to his grin. "You deserve it you absolute dumbass!" he yelled and Ghost bunny acted completely dramatic placing a hand over his heart and everything, "You wound me man, I thought you loved me" he scoffed, "As if, actually grow a pair then I'll love you" now they might just be pretending to ignore everyone else or something but the interaction between them was no doubt entertaining in some kind of way. "I would, but unfortunately I can't top someone for shit" Katsuki snorted, "Why? Haven't tried?" Izuku frowned but still acted dramatic hoping this wouldn't give any indication that it was Aizawa who he couldn't top for the life of him, and he's tried, failed each time.

"I have tried," he clarified, "Failed each time though" Katsuki grinned, "Bottom" Izuku grinned, "Are you talking about yourself? If so, thanks for finally admitting it!" now his grin wiped off quickly at that statement, "I will murder you! I am not a bottom!" Izuku made a circle out of two fingers and put his pointer finger in the middle, like dick going into ass "Really? You reek of bottom energy you asshat and believe me I always find it hilarious" sparks came off Katsuki's palm. "Ooh, he's activated his Quirk, wow I really irritated the Pomeranian now yes!" he laughed as Katsuki groaned highly annoyed, "I hate you" he grumbled, "Wrong. You love me" he replied grinning finally picking himself off the floor. "Wish I didn't" "Sad" he just laughed and walked back over to the front. "And your relationship to my student is?" Izuku deadpanned at him, "Listen buddy, you may be my "Caretaker" but I am more than capable of taking care of my damn self, I however don't have to say shit how I know him or am I obligated to tell you anything but I will say I need you to let me go because I am getting some information on a group that you are preventing me from doing" he told him, "Which group?" he questioned as Izuku groaned, "The league of Villains homeless" "Hey, Hey, Hey, do not give away the info! Just because I told you that deal doesn't mean you out me!" he whined at Katsuki, "They're dumb, as if they'd figure it out fast enough" he replied not caring. 

There was a deal?

Aizawa decided to get some answers. "Go back to the dorms, you come with me" he grabbed Izuku by the arm and dragged him out, "Let me go! I will throw you out the window!" as usual despite his homeless, baggy clothes appearance, he was fucking strong. "Oi, let Deku go!" "I said go back to the dorms, now Bakugo" Aizawa restated and walked out with Izuku yelling at him down the hall. 

This just got interesting.



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