Chap 1

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"Hey get your heads out of your asses. This is serious business. We're meeting up with the general and a captain. Be on yalls best behavior" Alen, also known as "serious" was scolding.

"Kekeke- shutup- shhhh we're gonna get yelled at-"

"Nononono- we're to cute to be yelled at" the twins were going back and forth while trying, and failing, to be quiet.

"Hendrix. Hiathan. Shut. Up." Alen seemed to have had enough of their antics and looked over to me and started to speak.

"Aren't I glad you're normal and don't talk much (Y/N)." He shook his head a bit and Hiathan took the opportunity to speak.

"Oh yeaaaah cause childhood trauma makes them normal!!" Hendrix busted out laughing at what his sister had said, but they were cut short with a glare given by alen.

"We're here so get in gear. Don't embarrass me." We all waited as Alen knocked and got the go ahead to enter.

"Enter" a stern voice had kicked the enthusiasm and chaos out of the twins and caused alen to stand straighter, if that was possible. We all walked into he office to be greeted with General Shepherd and a man with a bucket hat. I stared at him longer and didn't look away when he met my gaze. I didn't know him so I wasn't going to take my eyes off of him.

"General Shepherd, Decoy 04 reporting. As requested the whole team is here." Alen had a certain aura about him that showed he wasn't scared- couldn't say the same about the twins though, I looked back for a second to see Hendrix hiding behind Hiathan shaking, and Hiathan squeezing the chest area of her vest as if it were a stress ball. I stood there quiet as always and moved my attention back to the bucket hat guy.

"Yes, I called yall here because yall are being moved-" there was an audible sigh of relief from the twins "this here is captain price of task force 141-" there was a sharp intake of air from the twins "and he has requested a team of decoys to help with an upcoming mission." It was silent this time. I looked towards the twins and saw Hendrix fainted and Hiathan holding his body up as she herself tried not to pass out. She spoke next though.

"So you're transferring us to 141?? Why exactly?? Like I'm not questioning your judgment or anything but do you want us to die?!" She looked as if she was hyperventilating, and alen went to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. I turned back as the captain started to speak.

"I have looked through the folders of each Decoy team and you guys seem to be the best out there. I haven't had the chance to read personal files but there's time for you to show me what you can do. If I thought you'd die on the field I wouldn't be here now. You guys are very promising, hence why I'm asking for the transfer." He concluded his statement staring at me and all I did was narrow my eyes, I'm not scared and I'm going to show him that.

Hendrix had awoken by now and with the help of his sister and alen sat down on the other chair to catch his bearings. Alen simply nodded and told the general we'd get our stuff together and meet at the tarmac in 15. We all left the office and the twins were unusually silent.

"Are yall ok?" My soft spoken voice had cut through the silence and they looked at me. Soon I was engulfed by two pairs of arms while the twins rubbed their cheeks against mine.

"Oms I'm so glad we're on a team with you (y/n), you've been nothing but nice to us even in the beginning when you wanted to kill us" Hiathan started

"Yeah and you're like the little sister we never had. We love you so much and if anything ever happened to you, we'd go through hell and back to make sure you're ok." Hendrix finished.

"What?" I was confused as to where this was coming from, they usually only acted like this when- "are yall scared?"

"Fuck yeah." "Fuck no." They answered at the same time. It seemed that Hendrix was scared but when I looked to hiathan there was a look of determination and from then I understood what she was feeling. She was ready to risk her life for all of us. Her family. And this moment made me feel like I actually had a family, and I told myself I wouldn't let anyone destroy this. I'd kill those who try to fuck with my family.


Alen and I had been packed and waiting on the twins when I turned to him and spoke. "Yall are my life now. I hope you know that."

"Yes (y/n) we know, you've showed us time and time again. We won't let anything happen to you just as you won't let anything happen to us. Dont tell the twins i got sappy though." He stopped talking when we heard footsteps coming towards us and we saw the twins with their bags. Hendrix holding an extra trash bag. We all met up and headed to the tarmac and saw captain price already waiting for us.

"Hello again, I'm sure you're all anxious to get going now so let's head out." He was about to step on the plane when Hendrix spoke up.

"What- no Shepherd??" He looked around for the general but deep down we knew he wasn't showing up.

"No, unfortunately he had business to take care of and couldn't see you guys off." Price had turned around and noticed the tension Shepherds name brought up.

"Good. He can go suck a bag of tiny not girthy dicks. Fucking douche kanouche." Hiathan had stated what we were all thinking. This entire group had hated the general with a passion, from him being alens grandpa and treating him like shit. To him blaming hiathan for messups on missiles and shootouts in the shooting range. He even came at me to try and get me to speak to him. We've all hated him since.

"Alright. Well fortunately for you guys then, you won't be seeing him again unless it's a mission brief so let's get you guys to your new home and settled in to meet the boys." We made our way onto the plane.

"Oh good!! Did ya hear that (y/n) more guys. Fucking mint." The sarcasm dripping in her voice made captain price laugh as he cracked a joke about one of the guys there being feminine enough to pass as a female.

I just stayed quiet during the ride, listening to the twins sing and talk about memories they had from school, while the captain was talking to alen and giving him a brief on the other men on the team.

We eventually made it to the base where there were jeeps waiting for us to bring us to the safe house we'd be staying in. We all hopped in and made our way to the last destination, and when we got there, we were greeted with five men waiting for us. Yay.

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