Audios Dipweed

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A/N: Helllloooo I'm back and ready to write. I just re-read some of my stories and I want to improve on some of them. There will probably be a huge shift from the first 14 chapters into the new chapters (Probably because it's been 9 years and I've definitely grown up). I'm older, less dramatic, less cringey and ready to make this story good. I'm not going to go through and edit all the other chapters but just make the newer ones better. Hope you guys are still around and ready to read. 

***Marybeth's POV***

Josh and I were sitting on the couch and playing a bunch of weird Jackbox games and I must say I was absolutely destroying him in every single one. It was so nice to have the company and not just lay in bed sobbing my eyes out over the fact that I had just lost my best friend. I found distractions were helping but I knew deep down I'd have to face reality at some point. 

We were laughing and roasting each other when I heard a knock at the front door. 

"Who's that?" Josh asks with his face scrunched in confusion. 

"I honestly have no clue. Anyone who knows where I live would have a key." I was a little scared and super glad Josh was with me as a weird form of protection in case it was some weirdo who made their way into my building. "Do you mind answering it? I'm a little scared.." I ask just as there's another knock at the door, a little more forcefully this time.  

Josh gets up and walks over to the door and looks through the peep hole before opening it. 

" Can I help you?" Josh asks defensively. 

"Who the fuck are you? Are you that Dylan douchbag who thought it would be funny to answer Sophie's phone?" I instantly knew it was Jared and my heart dropped. 'Of fucking course it would be this asshole' 

"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm just here with Marybeth... what's your deal dude?" I could hear Josh starting to get more and more defensive. It was like a battle of the apes watching these two testosterone filled men nearly bumping chests. 

I stand up and walk over to Josh and Jared to try and calm the situation down. "Jared what are you doing here? And why are you huffing and puffing like a big bad wolf?" I decided to egg him on just a tiny bit because ya know its fun to stir the pot a little. 

"I'm here to talk to my girlfriend. The tall brunette thats been blowing me off for 2 weeks with literally 0 explication." I was absolutely in disbelief that this animal had the audacity to say that Sophie was blowing HIM off after she literally caught him red handed with another woman. 

"Well first of all: Sophie isn't here, she's out with some friends. Second of all: as far as I'm concerned you have no right to be standing here demanding her presence when she literally walked in on you with one of your side pieces. Lastly: Don't be coming into MY home acting all big and tough thinking you can intimidate us." Geeze Louise what did Sophie ever see in this disgusting human. Like I know love is blind and all but come on girl this man belongs in a psych ward. 

"What do you mean she walked in on me with someone? I haven't seen her in almost 3 weeks since our anniversary" He started to back down and I could see him squirm a little bit. I could tell Josh was in total shock but was trying not to show it as to keep his bodyguard attitude in tact. 

"Um well where do I start? I saw you making out with some hussie in public and I came home to tell Sophie about it cause ew, and we got in a fight because she swore you'd never cheat on her and that you loved her yada yada. She stormed off and went to stay at your place and when she got to your place said hussie answered the door in no clothes.... need I explain more for your tiny pea brain?" As I was talking I saw Jared's face turn as white as a sheet knowing he couldn't come back from this one. 

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