DoucheBags Are The Worst

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Dylan's POV

Sophie and Marybeth went to the bathroom together, I never understood why girls do that! Anyways, Sophie had left her phone on the table and it started ringing.

"Its ringing." Beau ever so brilliantly pointed out.

"No shit? Really?" Kris states, with sarcasm dripping off his lip. Ya know for only knowing each other for like just over an hour, everyone is strangely comfortable around each other. Except Sophie that is. I feel like she could be a lot of fun, but I see through that fake smile. I used to use that smile.

"Should we answer it..? Who is it..?" Travis leans in to look at the phone. 

He so has the hots for her. I wish he had would worry about me like the way he worries about her. Wait! No! Hes straight! I cant like him. that's bad. I hope on of the other guys is gay.... but I still like Travis the most; hes the hottest. God Dylan stop thinking like that! No one in the band will love you like that! I push the thoughts aside and get back to the present situation.

 "Whats the name?" I ask.

" 'Jared' With a broken heart beside it." Travis says, with what looks like anger in his eyes.

I take the phone and answer it.

"Hello?" A deep voice answers.

"Hi!" I say.

"Who the fuck is this..?" He got defensive!

"Why does it matter...? You have a broken heart beside your name! Mine has a smiley face!" I decided to get sassy!

"Excuse me...? Kay where the fuck is Sophie?" I was gunna say something sexual just to piss him off, but I could get in enough shit as it is for just answering her phone.

"Shes in the bathroom. What do you want?"

"Why the fuck do you have her phone? Let me talk to my girlfriend!" I could tell he was scared that she moved on.

"As far as I'm concerned and from what I've heard, She doesn't want to be your girlfriend anymore." I retort. "So why don't you let her call you on her OWN time, and you guys can talk than. Alright Mr. Hot Shot..?" I hated guys like this! Come on Sophie, I hardly know you and I know you can do better than this! I thought to myself.

"What the hell are you talking about...? I don't even know who you are!" I got tired of listening to him so I just hung up. I toss her phone back into the middle of the table.

"Sounds like that went over well!" Kris says while laughing.

"God I talked to him for like 3 minutes and I already hate him!" I say leaning back in my chair.

I glance over and notice Sophie and Marybeth walking back towards us.

"Oh, There's my phone!" Sophie walks over and picks it up. "Shit." she mumbles under her breath.

"Is that who I think it is?" Marybeth asks as she notices that its a text.

Why is this so much drama! Like fuck, just break the fuck up with him already! This is so stupid! I'm going home.

"Hey, uhhh sorry. But I gotta jet. I just remembered that I have a few things to do before work tomorrow" I say standing up. I bro hug the other guys and hug Marybeth. I walk up to Sophie and I look at her. "Can I hug you...? Or should I stick with a handshake?" I ask not really knowing what to do based on the situation earlier. 

Sophie's POV 

Dylan asked for a hug. I didn't really know what to do.... I don't want to be rude and have everyone think I'm a freak but I really hate hugs. I nod gently and he hugs me carefully, almost like he was afraid that he was going to break me. I hug him back just as gently, simply because I didn't want to give off the wrong vibe.

I pull out my phone to read the text. And was completely shocked at what it read.

'Who the fuck is Dylan? And why does he have your phone? >:(' It was from Jared. I was stunned. I looked up at Lyric, with my jaw basically hitting my boobs. She gives me a questionable look and I just hand her my phone.

"The fuck...?" She mumbles under her breath. She looks up at me with even more confusion written very clearly on her face. I noticed the guys being extremely quiet until Beau cough.

"Talk. NOW." I started getting angry. Wow this is the shittiest first impression ever. Oh my god! I calmed down a little. But not very much. "I don't care who, just someone talk!" I look at the guys. I glare at Kris, than Beau, and than I was about to turn my head to Travis but based on my mood I didn't want to ruin anything. If there even is anything TO ruin. "Fine. Don't talk. I'm leaving." I start walking out of the Starbucks and I sit in the front seat of my car. I put the key in and I notice Lyric running out towards my car.

Marybeth's POV

I notice Sophie glaring at the guys but she stops just before she gets to Travis. Typical. Don't glare at the guy you like. Oh no, cause he has nothing to do with this at all. I roll my eyes at my own sarcastic comment. I Look at Sophie's face and than at the guys' faces, I don't think she actually realizes how scary she is when she's mad. I mean like, I've seen her this mad.... its never pretty.

Shit. Her voice had more venom dripping off it than her face did. I notice myself back away slightly as I notice her face get even more red and distorted in anger as none of the guys were talking. Sophie hates when people touch her phone. Honestly, I have no idea what she's hiding; and I really don't plan on finding out. Anyone who touches her phone is literally stupid. I should have told the guys not to touch it. Whoever did touch it (it looks like Dylan, But with none of the guys talking, its hard to tell who all had it.) is seriously dead when Sophie finds out.

I see Sophie walk out and I stay back a minute.

"Ya know if any of you touched her phone, You're dead! And by you guys not talking, it looks like you're dead anyways. I should've warned you guys, but I mean it kinda goes without speaking." I realize that I'm standing there as my ride's about to take off. "SHIT!" I book it out of that place and into Sophie's truck.

Goddamn she drives like a criminal in a car chase when she's mad. I didn't want to get into it with her so I just head to my bedroom and start working on new lyrics and notes for practice on Thursday.

Andy's POV

I woke up drenched in sweat, once again; after having that same goddamn dream again. Its always the same thing. That day I helped a girl out in the hallway with her drawings and what looked like lyrics, after that bitch, Ashley pushed her over, back in senior year. Than it switches to the crash that just happened recently in Georgia. Than it switches to some nerd from my high school, than back to the fucking crash again.    

"What the fuck is happening?" I mumble into my pillow as I avoid falling back asleep.

A/N: Kay sorry, I know I said I would post this yesterday! But I had a little writers block! Anyways, As you can see Andy is FINALLY coming into the story! He'll be in it more next chapter! Please vote and comment! :) I love you guys! I'll try and update again this week! Picture to the side is Dylan! ------>

A Picture With No Frame,

Sophie xx :)

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