Sunday 31st May 2015

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Hi, I'm Masky. I'm 23 and Slenderman's newest proxy! I like YouTube, cooking and alternative rock. I don't speak much, and I really don't like cameras. Don't ask to see my face please, it makes me highly uncomfortable...

I snorted through my nose, rolling my eyes as I threw the paper to the side. That was three years ago... If you can't tell, I'd just started out as a new proxy and only Hoodie was there at the time, maybe Kate... I can't remember. I mean, nothing changed since then but I guess I thought I wouldn't be surrounded by immature psychopaths and new-born killers. Well, that wasn't relevant at the time, the mansion was pretty sparse then. EJ, Slenderman (Of course), like I said Hoodie, and uh, Silver and Widemouth... That's before he got kicked out. Anyways, I tend to get off track sometimes, I chucked some old shirts into my bag and a few extra pairs of socks. Why am I packing my things, you ask? I took a quick glance at my calendar to make sure I hadn't some how blacked out and lost track of time... Every year, Slenderman organises a trip to somewhere new for everybody in the mansion. There are Creepypasta 'resorts' of such all over the world. I can't wait. This year it's Greece. Like god damn, I couldn't even afford a house hardly in my old life never mind such an exotic holiday!

"Hey, Man, you decent?" I heard a muffled voice through the door. I popped two pills into my mouth and swallowed them dry.

"Yeah, dude, c'mon in." The door opened and in walked my best friend of seven years, Hoodie.

"How's things" He asked, motioning to the now empty pill bottle in my hand, "You good?" I shrugged and began folding a pair of shorts.

"Better than I was last night..." I mumbled, coughing a few times and wincing as spit sprayed the inside of my mask. Disgusting. He patted my shoulder as he collapsed down next to me.

"Good. But we're leaving today. Just think, by tomorrow, you'll be lounging on the beach with a cocktail and a tan. Stress free." That did sound pretty amazing... I've been suffering in my own mind for the last eternity. I...Uh... I've been having some... Personal issues recently. Only Slender and Hoodie knew.

I always thought I was asexual, i'd never felt anything towards a girl before, but I was watching a movie one night and I just started squirming... My... Pants had become to tight. I mean, all I was doing was watching the male protagonist talking. I was a little freaked, but managed to convince myself my mind had simply gotten confused and that happened... Until I watched the sequel. I mean, the main character was kinda cute... I had to admit, and I fully embraced the fact that I thought that way. But my mind being, well, my mind decided to make me paranoid. It kept telling me no one would like me because of my problems and I just broke down. Hoodie found me on the bathroom floor, eyes red and puffy. He insisted he stayed with me all night, he never got any sleep just to make sure I didn't have a night terror. He's a great guy beyond all the silent stares and awkward pauses, he hasn't changed a bit since...

"I dunno man, Toby'll probably be spending the whole journey there and back fucking poking me." I groaned. Hoodie let out a chuckle,

"Yeah, but you found a new band to listen to. I'll give you my headphones, yours broke, right?" I nodded and chucked the empty bottle into my bin, zipping up my rucksack and chucking it on my bed. It rattled with all the pills inside. "Dude, you don't need that many." He stated. I shrugged.

"Just in case." He said nothing, staring at me with an unknown expression.

"Well... I'm keeping my eye on you when you take them then." I looked at him questioningly, before realising just what he meant.

"...I'm not like that anymore... My problems are bearable, okay?" Hoodie sighed, standing up and - Probably - meeting my eyes, let out a worried statement.

"I just... Gotta look out for you, man... I almost lost you once, I just... It's my duty, y'know? I-I couldn't live without you, I just gotta be sure."

I was quite surprised by the outburst, I inhaled sharply. How do you reply to that?

"Just... Whatever makes you feel better." I mumbled out. He really hasn't changed. Hesitantly, I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder, feeling his eyes once again on me.

"You're not taking a lot." He said plainly, looking down at the floor.

"I have a book, my phone and charger and some clothes and pills, what else would a guy need?" He tutted jokingly,

"You're such a nerd, what you reading now?" I grinned.

"The phantom menace." I enjoy books so much, they take my mind off the hell my life can be sometimes. I glanced at the clock. "We heading down? We're leaving in a few." Hoodie nodded, standing straight and strolling out into the hallway to retrieve his bag. I quickly followed, almost tiptoeing down the stairs after him, as soon as I reached the living room where several other pastas were, I bit my collar.

Everything was silent excepting the occasional mumble from person to person about what they would do one they arrive. I honestly don't understand why people like BEN go if they're just going to stay inside and play video games throughout the trip... Suddenly, the sound of uneven footsteps thundered through the hall, Toby skidding lop-sidedly through the door carrying a suitcase with sleeves hanging out the sides. His foot caught on the rug as he was sent crashing down, suitcase opening and clothes spilling everywhere.
//Ah. Toby. May I speak with you?\\ Toby's brown eyes darted up to Slenderman.
"Sure, but as long a-as it doesn't delay the trip." He exclaimed, grin almost burning through his mouthguard.
//The thing is, Toby... You're not going on the trip.\\ I'm ninety percent sure I can hear his heart shattering. "What? But... But why?" He asked, noticeably upset. I would be too if it was the first holiday I've ever been on.
//You have not made enough progress. Your training is incomplete.\\ I patted his back.
"Oh well, there's always next year."
//Oh, Masky?\\
//I require you stay back and train him until he is as good as yourself. That is a direct order.\\ My bag slipped from my grasp. An entire week. With Toby and no one else. Please god no. He is so loud and obnoxious. "Yessir." I repeated weakly.

I swear, I'm going to strangle him the second everyone gets out that door.

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