Chapter 5: After Class Livestream

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Welcome back to another monthly update of 'Starburst', now this is gonna be more of a short/breather chapter with the Golden Trio...before whatever happens next go crashing down

Disclaimer: I do not own 'High School Musical: The Musical: The Series' or Ten from "Weightless". Ten and Jeonghan belong to my friend @zealous_light. I only own my original characters. Enjoy the chapter.

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EJ had been the first to bolt out of class the moment the school bell had rung. He's always been a punctual guy, whether it's for auditions or being the first to volunteer at the Soup Kitchen on holiday seasons.

"Finally, class is over!" Cress stretched out her arms and cheered.

"I'm pretty sure I stopped paying attention halfway through class." A tall girl with short wavy hair (Marisol Martinez) chimed in.

Cress absent-mindedly nodded in agreement with the tall girl.

"This is why you're failing Algebra, Sol." Another girl with straight hair tied into a ponytail (Amelia Palmer) responded.

"Can you both stop flirting in front of me?" One of their classmates (Marina Martinez) playfully groaned at her sister's relationship. "I mean I get it, you're happy and in love. But please tone down the PDA!"

"Today's Readthrough Day, right?" Another classmate (Marissa Martinez) remembered, "Must be why Caswell was in a hurry to leave."

"But you got casted as Sharpay's understudy. I don't see you leaving in a rush." One classmate (Anthony, EJ's water polo teammate) pointed out.

"Haven't you heard of being Fashionably Late?" Marissa winked at him, causing the jock to blush.

"Oh gosh, stop flirting in front of me! I'm the fifth-wheel now!" Marina complained, throwing her hands into the air. She motioned to Marisol and Amelia holding hands on one side, and then motioned to Marissa flirting with Anthony on the other.

'Welcome to my life...' Ten silently thought, he and Marina exchanged a mutual solemn nod of acknowledgement. He's been third wheeling most of EJ's dates, and occasionally the fifth-wheel if EJ and Cress had gone out with double-dates.

EJ used to try setting Ten up with girls (and occasionally guys if Ten is ever open to the idea of dating any gender) if his girlfriend at the time had a friend who's interested. 

This may backfire immensely if said girlfriend was only ever interested in dating EJ just to get closer to Ten. Which has happen twice or thrice. Cress had personally revenge-pranked those exes in retaliation for taking advantage of her two best friends.

But Ten has continuously stated and reaffirmed that he's not looking for a romantic relationship right now. Honestly, Cress even discusses with EJ if Ten could be ace-aro himself. Caswell has toned down the matchmaking for the most part, but would still keep a candidate or two in mind.

"Did you jot down the notes for the upcoming quiz?" Ten turned over to talk to Cress.

"Oh shoot! I knew I forgot something!" Cress groaned, smacking a hand against her forehead.

"I'll lend you my notes later." Ten commented, keeping his things into his bag. He noticed Cress was just dumping everything into her bag to zip it up.

"Come on, let's head to the bomb shelter." Cress grinned, quickly getting up.

"Why do they call it a bomb shelter?" Ten wondered out loud. The auditorium they were using for rehearsals looked nothing like an actual fallout shelter.

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