not so bad after all

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Marcy was sitting criss-cross on the bed in her room, playing her favorite video game for the first time in the day, hoping to get away from her responsibilities, until she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said loud enough for the person outside to hear, and the door creaked open afterwards.

She looked up to see Anne, her assigned knight, standing in the doorway.

"Your highness, your father has requested that I escort you to the royal guard training. Would you be so kind to accompany me?" Anne inquired with a bow.

Marcy politely smiled at her and got up from the bed, setting her console down, even if she was disappointed that her gaming time was being interrupted. She knew better than to voice her thoughts, in case it got back to her parents. They always did seem to be waiting for her to slip-up somehow, always watching her like a hawk, and if they couldn't, they got someone else to. Apparently this time around it'd be her new knight.

"Yes, let's go." Marcy replied and brushed past Anne.

Anne stood by the door until Marcy walked out, and then walked alongside the princess to the training room.

As they walked through the castle, Anne couldn't help but observe Marcy.

The princess was always so cheerful and lively, and Anne couldn't help but find her utterly charming and adorable.

Marcy was such a stark contrast to Anne, who was always so serious and focused. Deep down, however, Anne was just as calm and nerdy as Marcy, but in different aspects. She only had to be serious because it was her job.

When they reached the training grounds, the other knights were already there, waiting for them.

"Glad you could join us, Lady Anne." One of the knights said, his voice was laced with a hint of sarcasm, although he tried to be subtle.

Anne was relieved that her helmet masked her expression. They were expected to act professionally and respectfully, and her face did not reflect those emotions.

"My apologies, Sir Adam, I arrived as soon as I could accompanying the princess."

As Sir Adam gazed at her through his helmet, he wanted to say something but chose to keep it to himself, instead simply nodding in acknowledgement.

"Right then, let's begin. We shall start out with drills." He said, with a firm voice.

Anne, who was usually eager to participate in these trainings, needed to stay by Marcy's side at all times, therefore she could only stand and watch as the other knights performed drills while the princess stood beside her, her attention fully captured by the training, much to Anne's surprise.

"Do you find this interesting, Your Highness?" Anne asked, striving to initiate a conversation, hoping to shift her focus away from the drills and her lack of involvement.

Marcy was slightly snapped out of her trance of interest but kept her eyes on the knights anyways whilst nodding. "Yeah, I think it's fascinating how they move. It's like a dance... But with swords!"

Anne couldn't help but smile at how intrigued and excited this made Marcy, and the pure admiration and wonderment in her face. It warmed her heart to see such happiness in the princess' eyes, but she knew it was important to focus on her duty, so she forced herself to look away and back to the knights, her gaze trained on them and her drills, but her mind was still stuck on the princess besides her. "Yes, that's a good way of putting it."

They watched as the knights continued with their drills, moving through the patterns with precision and grace while the castle's training grounds echoed with the sound of clashing metal and the barking of orders from the knight instructors.

Sir Adam called out instructions to the group, his booming voice echoing throughout the room. Anne couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the knights, and how they took their training so seriously. She knew that their dedication to their craft was essential to the safety of the kingdom and the people inside.

Marcy, however, seemed to be more interested in the movement of the knights and the overall choreography of the drills.

She would whisper to Anne occasionally about the techniques being used or the different weapons they were practicing with which Anne would nod to and would even offer her own opinion from time to time, but she mostly remained silent, as she was trained to do during missions. Though, she did enjoy talking to the princess much more than she thought she would.

The training continued for a few more hours, and throughout it, Marcy's fascination never wavered until it was finally time to leave.

The knights were dismissed, and Anne took this as a cue to escort Marcy back to her chambers.

As they walked, the princess eagerly recounted what she had learned and discovered while observing the knights train. Her enthusiasm and curiosity about the world around her made Anne grow somewhat fond of her.

The way Marcy spoke about the knights was with such admiration and respect made it clear to Anne that the princess had a deep appreciation for the dedication and hard work that went into becoming a knight.

"Do you enjoy being a knight?" Marcy asked, continuing the subject.

"I do. It's an honor to serve the kingdom and protect those who cannot protect themselves. This has been my goal since I was young, and I am proud to have fulfilled the call."

Marcy nodded, a small smile on her face, "That's a noble goal."

Anne couldn't help but smile back, even though Marcy couldn't see her face, "Thank you, Your Highness. Your kind words mean a lot to me."

Marcy's smile lingered as she continued talking about the training. She only stopped speaking when they arrived at her bedroom. They both stopped outside and stayed silent for a moment. Since it was their first day actually interacting with each other, neither of them really knew what to say.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Lady Anne," Marcy said, breaking the silence, with a smile on her face.

Anne bowed, "It was my pleasure, Your Highness. I assume that you enjoyed it?"

"I did." Marcy said, dropping the 'Lady' title since they were now alone.

"I've never seen anything like it before, the knights are so skilled and talented and they work so hard! It's so cool." She rambled, letting her 'professional' talk slip as she talked more casually.

Anne smiled at this though, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, my lady. We knights take our training very seriously and it shows in our skills."

"I can tell. I wanna learn more about what it takes to become a knight." Marcy whispered, but quickly shook her head.

"Anyways... I should get going to bed, goodnight." The princess said, smiling, a genuine smile unlike the one she had to force when Anne first walked into her room.

Anne bowed, "Rest well, Your Highness."

With that, Marcy entered her room, whilst Anne stayed standing there, standing guard like she was ordered to. But a small smile was glued to her face

Perhaps this job wouldn't be so bad after all.

To be continued...

[a/n] dude I literally am such a SUCKER for knight x princess AU's. I read this fic about a really rude but hot woman that I'm currently obsessed with that I will not name but yeah, that's what sparked my interest in it.

I also apologize for not updating WYKM, been busy, two days spent babysitting, turns out my sister told her daughter I was gay- without telling me so that sucked but it was fine. 

this fanfic will sort of be based off of 'willow' and 'ivy' by Taylor Swift.

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