favorite color

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As the first light of dawn graced the kingdom, Princess Marcy awoke from a night of restful slumber and went to play her console as she always did early in the morning, it was the only time she could truly afford to do so.

But even so, her fidgeting through the game continued and she couldn't help but be distracted about the ideas of knights and how incredibly skilled they were, how they had a flare of something that she has always admired, how they were filled with bravery, and she couldn't believe she was thinking it, but especially her newly acquired knight, Anne, there was something about the girl that made Marcy's interest in knights spark even more, it ignited a much deeper admiration inside the girl, though she couldn't quite place her finger on what it was or begin to accurately describe it, all she knew is that the girl was profoundly amazing.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she abandoned the console and instead laid down on her bed, her gaze fixed upon the ornate ceiling as her mind wandered off, these times were rare with how rigorous of a schedule she could have. Her parents always wanted to keep her prepared even though she wouldn't be queen for a long while, they kept stating that you just never knew, Marcy thought it was somewhat ridiculous but she understood their thought processes too, even if the constant preparedness could be excessive to her.

A gentle knock at the door stirred her from her reverie. Composing herself swiftly, she smoothed her nightwear and cleared her throat before granting the person entry.

"You may enter," She stated with regal composure. After a brief pause, the door opened to reveal her personal knight, who bowed respectfully before addressing her.

"Your Highness, your maid has arrived to assist you with your attire," Dame Anne announced with deference.

Marcy squeezed her eyes shut and suppressed the urge to sigh loudly, instead she just nodded graciously, and forced her politest smile. "Thank you, Dame Anne. You may send her in."

The knight curtsied once more before leaving the room and making way for the maid to enter in instead.

The maid, upon closing the door behind her, was acutely aware of her duty to inquire about Princess Marcy's dress preference for the day. She did so with a respectful tone, despite her knowledge of the princess' growing dependence afterwards.

"I would like the emerald dress, please," Marcy politely requested, pointing at the beautiful glimmering gown that just so happened to be her favorite color.

"As you wish, Your Royal Highness." The woman said, though Marcy hated the formal title, she only pulled a tight-lipped smile and grabbed the dress.

"I can change by myself, Clara. I know how my parents can be so you can stay out here while I change in the bathroom, if that's also alright with you?" The princess questioned, although she disliked her parents rules, she didn't want to ever get any staff in trouble or disrespect them.

"That's quite alright with me, Your Royal Highness." Clara replied with a respectful and encouraging nod.

Marcy offered another polite smile before retreating to the bathroom, locking the door behind her before she swiftly changed into the gown.

As she twirled before the mirror, she admired the dress's elegant flow and sparkle, savoring the moment before she reluctantly tore her gaze away and returned to her bedroom where the maid was still awaiting her.

"Ah! Your Highness, your gown looks exquisite." The woman gushed with a proud smile, not the practice kind that Marcy was used to whenever she got compliments, so she knew she must've looked at least somewhat good to have earned it.

"Thank you, Clara. You're dismissed to leave if you'd like." Marcy replied, it's not that she didn't like her maid, but some part of her was eager to see how a certain knight would react to the dress.

The maid nodded and offered a respectful curtsy, before quietly exiting the room. Moments later, another knock rang through the air, and Marcy immediately granted permission for the person to enter the room, because she already anticipated who it might be.

The knight who had entered began to bow, but Marcy swiftly stepped in front of her, causing the knight to stand upright and step back in bewilderment, "Your Highness?"

"You don't need to keep the formalities when we're alone, Anne." Marcy said, her head tilted to the side a little as a cheeky smile rested on her face.

The brunette blinked slowly, and for a second, she was unsure of what to do. She cleared her throat and took another step back out of respect for not only the princess herself, but her parents as well.

"That's not how roles work in the castle, my lady. Or the kingdom, really." Anne muttered, only loud enough for the other girl to hear.

"Perhaps not, but would you dare defy a princess' orders?" Marcy asked playfully, as her eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief.

"Well, no, Your Highness. I may not have known you long, but I can tell you're joking right now, too." Anne replied, slightly raising an amused eyebrow as Marcy chuckled.

"Yeah? What makes you think that?" The girl asked, taking a step forward to the knight.

"I'm not quite sure, I just know." Anne stated, her eyes never leaving the girl as silence lingered between them.

The knight's eyes finally tore away from the other girl's before they landed on the dress Marcy was wearing, a beautiful emerald that matched the princess' eyes she had just been gazing into not too long ago.

"That dress is gorgeous." She said, keeping her voice neutral, though the smile she gained from the princess didn't go unnoticed.

"You think so?"

Anne was surprised to hear the shyness shining through the princess' voice, she would assume with all the compliments the girl was getting daily, that she'd be used to it by now.

"I truly do, Your Highness."

Marcy's eyes searched Anne's, she wasn't sure how the girl felt about her, or if she even considered her a friend, but she decided to just accept the compliment this once.

"Thank you."

Anne tore her gaze away and nodded respectfully, "It matches your eyes."

"Oh? I didn't notice that, I just chose it because it was my favorite color." Marcy chuckled, causing Anne to hum.

"Might be my favorite color now too, funnily enough." Anne whispered, before turning away once more.

"Shall I accompany you to the training grounds, my lady?"

"That would be incredible, Dame Anne."

And with that, they made their way to their destination, both their minds wandering in different ways.

To be continued...

[a/n] I intended this to be a slow burn when first writing this but we shall see if that continues.

don't mind this being sloppier than the first chapter either, I'm hoping the quality increases at least a little with more chapters. 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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