Trouble (Mr Sykes P.O.V)

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I saw Aj run out of the room and a girl laughing to herself. I went over and had a word with her. "Can you stay behind please?" She looked at me and I gave her a stern look.

Once the last person left I started "Can you please tell me what was so funny? I saw you and Aj talking, what did you say to make her leave like that." She just sat there giggling. What she must have said must have hurt Aj so so much. I started to get angry.

"Lizzie you may go but I hope your answer is good and I will be having a word with your tutor about this issue."

She soon stormed out and I looked to see what lesson Aj had next. Maths with Mr George. I made a note on my note pad next to me and saw I had a free lesson so I decided to have a word after break. I checked to see who was Lizzie's tutor, lucky it was Mr George. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

The bell went signaling the end of break. I looked at Lizzie's work and found little notes from the lesson and no attempt at the final question. I needed to get this sorted out. I looked at Aj and saw a big attempt. I saw her struggle through the lesson but at least she gave it a good go and even the final question once she understood what it was asking.

I popped into the head of science's lab to see him on his free period.

"Can I have a word please Mr Slate." He looked up from his stack of books and smiled up at me. I sat down next to him and passed him Aj's folder.

"I'm worried about this student. She seems to be struggling with her science work and I can see that some student's like to annoy her and upset her." Then I passed him Lizzie's folder. His facial expression showed the same as mine did.

"Right, well, Lizzie has always been a handful but from what I can see in her work effort it won't help her grades at all. However, Aj has always struggled but with the way you must have helped her she must have understood it better."

"That was what I was thinking, maybe a private study session with Aj to help her understand the lessons could help her. I don't mind helping her grasp the consept. She seems like a bright student." Mr Slate looked at me and smiled.

"I think that would benifit her a great deal, plus with you being her tutor it might help her trust some people. I taught her last year, she has always been quiet but Lizzie has always been the one to give her trouble. I will bring Lizzie into my group so that Aj doesn't have to deal with her in science. That sound like a plan?"

"Yep, that is brilliant. I will go and talk to Lizzie's tutor now and then show him her lack of work then speak to Aj. Thank you."

"Anytime. You are a good teacher and Aj will be happy with the extra support after school." I walked out of the lab and back into mine. I locked up the door and walked down to the Maths department.

I knocked on the door of Mr George's lesson as I was aloud in and walked up to talk to him.

"Mr George, I have some conserns about Lizzie. She seems to have a lack of work ethic in my lesson. Plus the issue with Aj as she found it funny to start saying horrible things to her and make her upset. "

He looked up at me as I showed him ler lack of work. " I know Lizzie can be a handful and I know the issue with Aj." We both looked at Lizzie and them at Aj.

"Right ok, me and the head of science have decided to move her into his group to give my other student's a chance to get some work done. Can I leave this with you as I talk to Lizzie then Aj."

"Yep, no problem."


I walked up to Lizzie and told her that I needed a word. She soon walked out of the classroom and once the door closed I started. "Well, I have looked in your folder to see a lack of work produced plus no attempt at the final question. I'm not impressed. Plus the fact that you go and upset another student it is not on Lizzie. You are in year 11. Can you start acting like one? You are now moving into Mr Slates science group after today's actions, plus a detention with the head of science for lack of work. Your tutor will talk to you more, now back to lesson." I felt the anger in my tone of voice but I stayed calm.

I walked back in to see Aj sketching in her book. I walked towards her and crouched down to her eye level. She looked at me as I asked if we could talk. She got up and left her bag as she walked out Lizzie said something to her but she egnored it. Once outside I started.

"Aj, I know that you are struggling with science so I spoke to Mr Slate to see if it is possible for you to have extra tuition on a one to one basis so you can understand it better. Is that ok with you?" She looked up at me with a smile.

"Yeah that's ok. Thanks Mr Sykes."

"It's my job. If you come to the lab after school them we can sort out dates. How are you at chemistry and Physics?"

"The same as Biology. I'm no good at any of the science's." She looked up at me with a small glitter of self dis-belief.

"That's ok, it' going to take time. I can help you on all three yeah. We can focus on one, one day and then another, a differnt day. You get where I'm going with this. We can sort it out after school yeah."

"Thats fine. Thanks again Sir."

"Your Welcome." She walked back in to class and sat back down with her sketch book. Mr George looked up at me as I said thank you and walked back up to the science block.

I walked past Mr Slate's lab and I peered through the gap in the door and told him that Aj is meeting with me tonight and he told me that's fine and he will stay out of the way. It was now up to me.

I unlocked my lab and checked my time table. Another free period. I looked in the lab and found some text books and set up for next lesson. Year 7. I put out the text books and a work book for each student then sat down with my laptop. The powerpoint was now up on the board and then I got out the board marker and wrote down the lesson for today. Soon enough the bell went and they were all in.

I had the basic routeen all day then it came to three fifteen. The bell went for home time as everyone rushed out of the room. I tided up abit then saw Aj walk in to the room.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. She sat down in her place at the front next to the board and I took the stool next to her. We got our diary's out and sorted out the date's for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Once that was sorted I handed her three folders in differnt colours and three differnt text books.

"Ok the folders are for your Biology, Chemistry and Plysics notes when I am tutoring you ok so you don't get confused which is which ok and the text books should allow us to go through things ok. I can go at your pase. We don't have anyone else joining us alright? I will see you tomorrow for tutor ok. If you need reminding or anything I will let you know when every one else has gone ok. I know it's a lot to take in."

"Nope, I'm fine. Thank you Mr Sykes, this means a lot." She smiled at me.

"No problem. I will see you tomorrow, Ok. Just know that you can talk to me in confidence if anything is going on alright. Don't be afraid to talk to me. Even if it's through our session's. This is your time ok, no one elses."

"Thanks Sir" I saw her smile as she walked out of the door. I felt proud of what I have achieved today. Mr Slate popped his head round as I was getting ready to leave. "I saw Aj with a smile on her face. Is she fine with the sessions?"

"She seems happy enough with them. I think she is just happy of the fact that she won't get laughed at or bullied in to anything. It's up to her and the pase she wants to go at."

"Great, good job Nathan."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow"


I walked over to my car and set off for a home. My small apartment. I set my case down on the table and started to plan the sessions I would have with Aj. It was up to her but by having that base I knew where I was heading tomorrow.

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