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I woke up the next morning in a lot of pain. The side that he kicked had become very sore and brused a lot. My eye had become black around it as I got ready for school. I just had to put up with this for a little while longer then I could leave for a new life somewhere. I didn't care where but I knew that one place that he would never find me was a little cabin where my mum used to take me. So that was where I would go. 

I left the house with out a sound as I headed to school. I was worried that my step-dad would come after me but what if Mr Sykes saw all of the bruses? What would he do? I walked in to the familiar place and into the familiar room but instead of finding it empty I saw I figure sat down at his desk, Mr Sykes. I walked over to my desk trying to hide the injuries of the previous night but Mr Sykes knew something was up. 

"Good morning Aj." I whispered back the most simple responce and sat down. 

He walked over to me and moved my sketch pad from my face. His smile soon vanished as he saw my eye. He walked over to the sink and got some cold water on to a tissue and gently put it on my eye.

"Hold it there for me please Aj" I did what he said as I saw in his eyes that he did care that I was hurt. He walked and sat down infront of me as he grabbed his pad and pen.

"Aj can you tell me what happend? I know it's difficult for you but you can trust me yeah. I can help you"

I looked to him as we heard a knock at the door. Mr Sykes walked over to the door and opend it then disapeared to the other side. I sat with the tissue still on my eye as Mr Sykes quickly returned. 

"Sorry about that Aj, don't worry ok, no-one will come in alright. Mr Slate is taking the tutor group this morning so you can talk to me with out anyone judging you okay."

"Okay," I said in a whisper due to the pain on my side. The pressure on it was causing so much pain. 

"You can tell me okay, you don't need to worry."

"Yeah, I will tell you because I can see you care and I haven't seen that look in so long". I looked at him as I started,

"My mum passed away suddenly last year and the only person who can take care of me is my step-dad. I don't know where my real dad is but that doesn't matter. Everytime my step-dad is angry he takes it out on me. He hurts me by hitting me and kicking me. I have to run to my room just to get away from him. I hide under my bed and stay there till the morning then I just sneak out to school every morning. My most recent injuries are from last night. Mr Sykes please he is the only person left who I know but he said that if I ran away or told anyone about this then I wouldn't be breathing by the next day. I shouldn't have told you but I needed someone." 

"Aj, I'm so so sorry to hear all of that. Don't worry ok, you are safe now, he will not hurt you again. I need to speak to someone to see where to go next but it's for your saftey. That's what I am thinking of right now. Is that alright with you?"  

I smiled as Mr Sykes walked over to me and offered me a hug but I soon pulled away as I felt the sharp pain of my side. 

"Aj, do you have any more painful injuries from last night?" 

I thought to myself that I needed to tell him. 

"Yeah, the side of my chest. It hurts so so much. It hurts to even breathe." 

I was in full blown tears as the bell went for lesson. I stood up but he said to me to sit back down. He walked out of the room and he soon returned. 

"Aj, can I have a look, if that's ok? I just need to see how bad it is."

He looked at me as I lifted up my shirt for his eyes to take a look. The shock on his face as he bent down to look was in disbelief. I soon pulled my shirt down as Mr Kainswaran the head teacher walked in to the room. 

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