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      Hope was brave and one of the most fun girls i have ever met. She stood up to bullies, rock climbed, and caught fish with her bare hands. She has done things most girls in the 9th grade would never do. She was a very enthusiastic girl. Until on day, she vanished...


          "Hope, can you grab that for me?" I asked. Hope handed me the Gatorade bottle I asked her to get for me. I was on the computer, working on a project about Edgar Allan Poe for school. Hope was helping me since I didn't have the highest grades in my Language Arts class. 

"I have to blow this joint, my mom texted me to to come home. See you later Em!" Hope told me.

"'Kay, bye." I said. She left and I started my third paragraph on my project. After I had finished my project and was on my bed reading The Hunger Games, my mom called me downstairs.

"Emerald! Please come downstairs for dinner!" my mom shouted up the stairs. I slowly walked down the carpet stairs towards the kitchen. I ate my peas, meatloaf, and potatoes. I then excused myself and went up to bed.


          BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!! I swung my hand over to turn off the annoying alarm. I hopped out of bed and  got dressed in my white skinny jeans, lace aeropostale shirt, and white pumps. I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I brushed my teeth after eating and opened the front door. There I saw Hope's mother, who was in tears.

     "EMERALD! DO YOU KNOW WHERE HOPE IS!?" she shouted. She got quieter, " She didn't come home yesterday and the police are searching for her."

She opened her arms and invited me into a big hug. I hugged back and started to cry. What was I going to do without my bestfriend? Where is she? Is she okay? A million thoughts and questions ran through my mind.

I pushed out of Hope's mom's arms and went in to tell my mom. I decided to stay home from school and find my best friend.

"I'll find Hope for you," I told her mom.


        I stepped out of my house and onto the poorly paved street. I had not one idea were I was going. I figured she might be in the big oak tree down by the lake. She could have climbed it and fell asleep.

I walked towards the tree in slow swift steps. I was almost there when I heard an engine running a few feet behind me.

I looked back and saw a white van. I started running as fast as my legs could take me.

Run. Run. Run. Run is all that I could think.

I ran until I was out of breath. I looked behind me and didn't see the van so I stopped.

I sat on the curb and took many deep breaths. Right as I was calming down, two hands grabbed me from behind and a man threw me on his shoulder. 

I screamed as loud as I could hoping that someone, ANYONE, would hear me. The white van pulled up and the man put me in the passenger seat. I tried to wiggle out and escape. For that, I got a slap in the face.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" I screamed.

"Why do you THINK I do this? FOR MONEY YOU LITTLE WASTE OF TIME!" he shouted in my face.

"If I'm a waste of your time, than what don't you just let me go?" I whispered in a smart-alec way.

That costed me another slap. The other man tied me up and got in the back of the van.

"Do me a favor, kid." he said.

"What." I snarled.

"Shut up for the rest of the way, or you are going to get it." he whispered evilly. That made me quiet.

When the man said that we were close, I saw a dirt path on the side of the road. He turned into it. The path was about one mile long. It took a couple of minutes to get to the house. When I saw the house, well most people would call it a shack, I was terrified. 

The place was a dump. The house had a ton of vines growing on the house, and there was an outhouse on the side of the house. No bathroom inside?

The man untied me and led me into the house. I heard a ear splitting scream coming from upstairs.

"Can I talk now?'' I asked. He threw me onto the uncomfortable couch.

"Whatever, Dweeb.'' he said. He turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels until he landed on a channel that plays horror movies. We watched a movie about murder and he said, "They might as well put your life on this channel because I'm gonna make your life living hell."

"Try me." I said. I hadn't really meant it, but he picked up his knife from the table anyway. 

"Okay. I'll be delighted to hurt you." He said, grinning. He cut all the way down my arm and my leg. I winced and yelped in pain. He laughed. He ripped off my shirt and carved the word Death on my stomach. I felt the warm blood ooze down my leg.

'' You ruined my carpet!" He said glancing at the pool of blood on the floor.

"But-" I started to protest. 

'' Butts are for pooping. Shut up little girl" he said.

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