Character: Louie Walker

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Song: Smoke and Guns—NateWantstoBattle

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Song: Smoke and Guns—NateWantstoBattle

"You're smoke and guns. You think I'm sick of it, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Name: Louie Walker

Age: 24

Gender: Male (trans-masc)

Ancestry & Ethnicity: Louie is part Scottish, Irish, and British, but his family has been in the States since the 1700s. If you asked him where his ancestry came from, he'd shrug and give you a, "I'm white, I guess." Despite his impressive assemblage of useless information, his own genealogy is not a part of it.

Physical attributes: Louie is a short guy, standing at an unremarkable 5'4. He wears platform shoes in an attempt to hide this about himself but to no avail. He has shifty black eyes that refuse to focus even while he's reading, ridiculously thick-framed glasses for a very small prescription, and messy black hair that tapers to a point at the back of his neck. His pale skin heals uncharacteristically quickly; one day he'll be covered in purple bruises, and the next he'll look as if they were never there at all. He does not have the appearance of a strong man, but do not be deceived; Louie will deck you over a table without breaking a sweat.

Oh. He also has two small black horns jutting from the top of his head. He makes no attempt to disguise them or lie about their origins. People just assume he has a very good body modder.

Education/career: Louie is always trying to learn something new. In most of his disciplines, he's self-taught, and a lot of it is esoteric, randomly-assembled knowledge. He did not go to college, but this is a closely guarded secret. If you ask about it he'll offer a noncommittal, "I studied abroad," and swiftly change the subject.

Personality/quirks: Louie is an enigma, even to himself. How much of his befuddled personality is an act and how much of it is real even he doesn't know. He looks very unfocused, bouncing rapidly between subjects, tapping his fingers and thumping his legs. His clothes are generally wrinkled, though he likes to wear ties and button-ups. He loves learning about people, and because of this, he parties often. Not that weird. The weird part comes in the long florid essays he writes about the clubs he frequents and the people he's met. He enjoys puzzles, challenges, and rambling about whatever comes to his mind, but he's so affable and sincere that many artists and oddballs keep him in their circles. Internally, he might be panicking. Internally, he panics a lot.

He admires tricksters and jokesters. Even the Devil ought to watch out for a deal with Louie.

Skills/interests/hobbies: Louie pinballs between hobbies. He's studied Judo and Jiu Jitsu and is friends with a few gun enthusiasts who insist he keeps a piece on him, so one might describe him as dangerous even if he looks the opposite. But he doesn't like to draw attention to this aspect of himself; maybe when he was younger, but now that he's more confident he finds that part of himself a little off-putting. Most of his pride comes from his collection of useless knowledge and his attempts to practically apply it, even when he's far out of his depths. He loves parlor tricks, show magic, and reading cards. 

He also enjoys hanging around artisans, artists, and authors, even though he doesn't consider himself one of them, and he loves disappearing into different states or countries. He enjoys being around people's happy energy. Louie is even known to cross-dress every once in a while; he considers himself attractive and doesn't mind showing it off, and it adds a little bit to his ever-shifting person because he doesn't bother to explain why and doesn't even have an explanation for himself. Louie is who he is.

Likes/Dislikes: Louie enjoys vibrant social settings just as much as quiet contemplation in his apartment study, though he never likes being totally alone. He enjoys pranks and tricksters but despises charlatans; a mean trick should only be played on someone deserving of it.

He can't stand pretentious people or gatekeepers. Knowledge should be free to everyone, and stalwart supporters of IQ frighten and frustrate him. His parents and teachers have forced him to take IQ tests multiple times and he has always performed abysmally. Why the hell would he care about the lines and grids and squares? Tests are the only kind of puzzle he hates. If he's smart or stupid, no one will ever know, and Louie cares least of all. 

He loves discussions and debates but hates heated arguments. He can also be a touch short-sighted and hedonistic. Very expensive tastes, maybe brought about by insecurity. Good food, good wine, good parties. Hand him a Bud light, and he'll disappear somewhere to pour it out.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Louie is unintimidating and generally a charismatic guy, allowing him into many social circles. The language of socializing and the world of etiquette fascinate him. One might consider him an "old soul," and thus, he's confused by social media and people his age. He's slow to anger and has many internal mechanisms to keep him from getting angry. Once he does get angry, who knows? People can sometimes get frustrated by him because he doesn't look like he's listening or seems not to care what they have to say. He is also a very anxious person prone to delibating panic attacks, but this is one of his biggest secrets. 

Fears/Aversions: Louie is afraid of the dark and has very deep insecurities about his past and lack of college education, especially around his new artist and philosophy friends. He's terrified of making social faux paus, or revealing any of his unfun experiences. Opening up about his anxiety, past, or the thoughts spiraling through his head underneath his calm veneer makes him extremely uncomfortable.

Other abilities/Special powers: Louie is bound to the King of the underworld through an occult ritual gone terribly wrong. He performed said ritual with a friend in her garden, and the King stole them both down into the underworld expecting to take Louie's friend as his bride. Through Louie's quick thinking, she was spared, for he remembered the story of Persephone and bargained for the king's pomegranate. He devoured six seeds before she could touch it, damning him to six months of every year in hell with an entity that doesn't even want him. On earth, he has horns and can shift into the form of a small doe, the caveat being that when he does the King takes the form of a wolf and chases him to the ends of the earth. For sport.

He and the King have, like, the worst roommate relationship. And it does spook some people when he mentions the demonic black wolf hanging around. Sometimes though, being bound to a terrifying entity has its perks.

History: Louie grew up poor and spent much of his teenage years working, giving him his appreciation of glitz, glamor, and all the things he couldn't have. He transitioned at eighteen and had his parents push him away because of it, so he chose his own family. He met Cassy at a club, a bright mystic and rich writer, who instantly took him under her wing. He "had a gift" for the occult, and it was her that he later saved from the King. She pays him a stipend every month for his sacrifice, and they're still friends.

Other: Louie's armory friends demand he carries a gun for his safety. In his pocket, wherever it's allowed, he conceals a .22 short North American revolver. It is stupidly small, so small that a larger man can't even hold it. It holds a metaphorical weight for him, even if he is a terrible shot.

 It holds a metaphorical weight for him, even if he is a terrible shot

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