Chapter 9

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Tracker's POV

Talon (Disbelievingly): So let me get this straight. Lagoon visited you in a dream and told you to wait three years just so we can save the octonauts that are currently in space right now?

Tracker nods.

Pearl: But that's ridiculous! You don't actually believe that Lagoon visited you in a dream, do you?

Tracker's heart sank. They didn't believe him; of course they wouldn't believe him!

Tracker (Thoughts): Lagoon's wrong. I'll never be a true leader, I'll just be a-

Tracker (Thoughts): Don't think like that! Lagoon is wiser than me, so I'll have to do as he orders.

Tracker: No! I've seen him; I know I did!

Apala (Rolls eyes): Either hallucinating, or wanting to get attention.

In the end, Tracker sighed.

Tracker: Who cares? Maybe I was hallucinating.

Calico Jack put his hand on Tracker's shoulder.

Calico Jack: Well, I believe you matey.

Tracker: Y-you do?

Pinto: I believe you too!

Orson: Me too!

Ursa: Me three!

Periwinkle: Me four!

Koshi: Not me.

Suddenly, Tracker felt happy and supported. At least someone believed him. An old pirate, and four (slightly) immature kids, were there to support them when the others didn't.


Calico Jack had discovered an old library in the cave full of old dusty books, and every single one of them seemed fascinating to Tracker every time Calico Jack explained it to him. Calico ran his fingers over the rows and rows of old books that Lagoon wrote. When Calico Jack finally found the book he was looking for, he brushed the dust off it and set it on the old wooden table.

Calico Jack (Triumphantly): This is the book I was looking for matey!

The cover of the book was hardcovered and navy blue with gold corners and the title on the top said 'Halfmask and Lagoon: The story behind the tragedy' in gold letters. Under the title, there was a picture of Lagoon with a orange tiger with stripes as black as night, and it had half of it's face mauled off.

Calico Jack: Tracker, we have to read this. If we do, it could save our lives.


The next day, Tracker got up very early to read the story of Lagoon and his limited friendship with Halfmask. He got the book and opened it carefully, afraid that he was going to damage the old book. The pages were yellowed with age, and Tracker almost thought it would disintegrate into dust once he touched them.

When he turned to the first page, he saw a picture of a polar bear wearing the polar scout uniform that looked like Tracker's except it had a blue tie and looked like Lagoon.

Chace, read the caption on the bottom of the picture. Lagoon's father and leader of the Polar scouts before he died.

There was a paragraph on the other side of the picture. Chace was Lagoon's (see: Lagoon on page 49) father and the leader of the Polar scouts. it said. Chace was a very brave and compassionate polar scout, but unfortunately, at the age of 36, he died from an infamous epidemic that spread across the arctic and infected Chace. His spirit still remained after he died because of a terrible event that happened many years later.

While reading the paragraph, Tracker felt a little creeped out by the fact that Chace's spirit was still roaming somewhere; presumably in the arctic still. He turned to page 49 and saw a picture of Lagoon. The caption at the bottom said, Lagoon, one of the greatest scout leaders in polar scout history.

The paragraph on the other side of the picture said, Lagoon always wanted to be a great polar scout like his father, Chace (see: Chace on page 1). After Lagoon's father died, he became leader of the Polar scouts like Lagoon always dreamed of. A few years later after Lagoon became leader, he travelled to Siberia for a holiday and that was when he met a tiger named Halfmask (see: Halfmask on page 102), who had crashed his spaceship. Halfmask said to Lagoon that he had been on a mission but his ship ran out of fuel and crashed it, but that turned out to be a lie.

Tracker turned to page 102 and saw an image of Halfmask and then read the paragraph on the other side of the picture. Halfmask was infamously known to be very cold-hearted and ambitious, but he hid it from his friends in NASA, which was where he worked. Sarabi (No, not Simba's mother or Mufasa's wife from the lion king), who was leader of NASA at that time, was impressed how courageous Halfmask was, and decided-

Pinto (Appears out of nowhere): Hey Tracker!

Tracker yelps in shock and accidentally tosses the book into the air, but Pinto manages to catch it before it hits the ground.

Tracker (Out of breath): Pinto! You scared me half to death!

Pinto: Sorry Tracker! Anyways, what are you reading?

Tracker: This? Oh, right. Something you don't really want to read...I guess.

Pinto: But can I read it? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase?

Tracker: Say 'pretty please'.

Pinto: PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Tracker (Whispering): Sssssshhhhhh! Not too loudly!

Pinto (Also whispering): But can I have the book? Pretty please?

Tracker (Sighs irritably): Fine.

But before Tracker could pass the book to Pinto, he heard a yowl and looked up to see Calico Jack and Natquik standing at the doorway, both looking worried.

Tracker: Jack? Natquik? What are you two doing awake so early?

Calico Jack: We could ask you the same thing matey! We have come to tell you something very important.

Tracker: This early? Can't you just wait until the morning?

Natquik (In his Russian accent): This is too important to ignore. It is from Lagoon; he visited me and Jack in a dream!

Tracker: What? You too?

Calico Jack: Yes matey! He said that if we don't do what the quest is, specifically the rule where we have to wait for three years to rescue the octonauts, the consequence is that...

Calico Jack:...

Calico Jack: That...

Calico Jack exchanges uneasy glances with Professor Natquik.

Tracker (Curious): That what?

Natquik: One of us is going to DIE.

When Natquik finished the sentence, Tracker's mouth fell open and Pinto fainted on the spot.

Natquik: Don't look at us like that, Lagoon told us.

Tracker (Distressed): What?! Who's going to die?!

Calico Jack: We don't know matey, but I have a bad feeling about this adventure...

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