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Y/n never really did finish cleaning up Reigen's apartment.

It was pretty hilarious leaving him with half-done work, she thought. Two hours were simply not enough to tidy up the entire place, and the thought of leaving him with unfinished work brought a mischievous smile to her face. She couldn't resist the temptation to see the look in his eyes when she abruptly stopped cleaning and reminded him that her paid time was up. The realization that he was the one left to finish the job filled the air, and he could only let out a defeated sigh as she led her way to his door.

But before parting ways, Reigen handed her his business card. Presumably not because he was going to book her again, but because the topic of his job came up.

"You're probably tired yourself." He said. "Perhaps If you visit me, I'll give you a 20% discount on my spirit massages."

Y/n couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his offer, wondering what exactly a "spirit massage" entailed. Was it just a fancy name for a regular massage? Or did it involve some peculiar ritual where he would wear a sheet over his head in a stuffy room? Nonetheless, she accepted the card, intrigued by the idea.

By his offer, he must've recalled what she asked him.

"Aren't you tired?"

While the question may have seemed directed at him, Y/n understood that it was also a question she had been silently asking herself. His answer made her feel a sense of normalcy. He was right, it did just come with the business. It wasn't really something that could be avoided. She just wanted another opinion actually, from someone who also put a face for others. It was nice knowing that she wasn't all that alone even if the context was being a liar, whether they had good intentions or not.

Time seemed to pass slowly as Y/n took her leave, Reigen standing at the door, expectantly watching her exit the apartment complex. The fact that he lingered didn't bother her. It would be suspicious if she directly went home, so she opted to take a small walk around the streets.

"H-Hello... Y/n?" Nana's voice cracked over the phone, her sobs echoing through the receiver, heavy and raw.

"Nana, where are you right now?"

Upon learning of her friend's location, Y/n wasted no time. With hurried steps and a sense of determination, she made her way to the cafe they had frequented together. The familiar place now felt strangely empty, devoid of Nana's once-bright presence and the contagious laughter that used to fill the air.

Nana's tear-stained face greeted her, her eyes red and swollen. "He's married!," she choked out, "I'm so stupid. I really thought he was my boyfriend."

Y/n approached her friend, her footsteps soft and deliberate. The scent of warm pastries wafted through the air, offering a small semblance of comfort amidst the storm of emotions. "You had no idea?"

"I did think something was strange. But it was already too late. I was already in love." Her words spilled out, painted nails gripping onto the fabric above her lap. "It makes me so angry, yet I'm still hoping inside that he might get a divorce."

Y/n's hand gently found its way to Nana's trembling fingers. "You're more than deserving of love. You're kind and beautiful, and someone who truly appreciates you will come into your life," she softly mumbled.

Tears welled up in her friend's eyes once again, her vulnerability laid bare. "I'm sure that in a month, I'll forget about him and fall in love with the next person," she mused, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "But right now, it hurts. It hurts so much."


Just then, two guys approached, their presence invasive and unwelcome. With their intentions unclear. Y/n's senses heightened, capturing every detail of their demeanor. They obviously weren't here just to make friends. "Hey, what are you two up to?" one of them asked, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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