Pride Time! (FTO)

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Fairy Tail Origins

Revin (Ritchie x Devin)
Landon (Lucas x Brandon)
Kiper (Kay x Viper)
Kit x Allumos x Marshie (don't know there ship name)
Colin x Seek
Zaine x Biblico
Mario x Mania
Yamistu x Flurry

Warning: some homoph0bic stuff so BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. BUT THE REST IS HAPPY GO LUCKY YIPEEEEEE. And swearing.. you know me 🫡


P.S. in my AU, Devin and Michael's parents are alive
At Divinus Magia*
Devin's POV*
I slowly opened my eyes and I got up from my bed and I went to the bathroom and I wash my face to get me more away and I went back to my room and I made my bed. I forgot what the date is today so I walked over to my calendar and I let out a small smile and I went off to get dress. As I was getting off my t-shirt I was wearing last night I remember the scars on my chest and then I smiled again then I finish off getting dressed. I then walked downstairs and I got some donuts from the cabinets and I made myself a cup of tea. I quickly ran upstairs and I brushed my tea and I re combed my hair and then I was about to walk out of the house until I saw there was a package and I was confused so I picked it up and I brought it back inside. I opened it and all there was inside was a letter.. "Odd.. if you wanna just send me a letter that would be better" I muttered and I slowly opened the letter and I started to read it.

"Dear Delilah                                      XXX-XXX

I hope you are well, I'm sorry We've haven't sent you any later in the last 5 ish years. Things have been busy here at our home town. I do miss you and I want to invite you to come over and visit your mother and I. We want to see our little girl again. As we miss her so much and we want to see your beautiful face again. We still hope you have that beautiful smile and you wear nice pretty girl clothes. It will make your mother and I so happy. The person who you think you are called 'Devin, our son' well we didn't give birth to a son, we gave birth to a daughter. A daughter and a son, not a son and son. Anyways that's probably all going through your head and I hope we can see you as Delilah not Devin. This Devin person you think you are isn't true and isn't gonna happen. We want our girl back. Anyways me and your mother love you so much and we hope you visit us on this date XXX-XXX-XXX. Please send us a letter if you wanna come over or not.
Love you and miss you,
Signed Dad and Mum.
As I was reading that letter tears were falling down my face and I got really pissed so the paper I was holding and I just threw it on the table. I sat down as I was crying and I started to teach the techniques Michael taught me when we were younger.
"Uhh Devin you there?" Someone called from the other side of the door and then they walked in. I knew who that person is. And then I looked up and I saw they looked around and then they saw me and they ran over. "Devin, my love what's wrong?" Ritchie said with a worried expression on my face as he sat down beside me and hugged me as I hugged him back. I didn't wanna speak so I just let go of the hug and I handed him the letter that my 'parents' sent me. I looked at Ritchie and he had a pissed off expression on his face as well and then he ripped the paper apart and he put the ripped paper in the bin. "Listen Devin first off you are you, you're not the person you use to be and you don't wanna be her so you're parents can't force you who you wanna be. Second I'm so sorry that they think that there idea to send you that after 5 years is bullshit, I love you just the way you are Devin, I love you and no one else I don't care who you are I just love you" Ritchie said as he was holding my face as he was wiping away the tears as I had a red blush on my face. He leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss and we held it until he let go. "Now let's go have some fun the guild is pride themed and it's so good so come on." Ritchie said as he grabbed onto my hand and stood me up and we both left me house hand it hand and I have a massive smile on my face.
"I'm me.."

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