Final Chapter: Sunshine

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3rd POV
Time Skip

With what Muichirou had accomplished with others, more follow, and it was suprise that everyone who thought this war won, and those who did lost their life's wouldn't be forgotten, all the Hashira's service however their victory wouldn't last that long before realizing the one beacon of hope had finally fallen into darkness...Tanjiro

Muzan's Desperation had reached its way to the Sun Breathing User, turning into a demon it was a complete reverse, nezuko came back to aid his brother now fully human again, both her and the Hashira's instantly pinned him down including the help of Kanao, Yushiro and Tamayo who also was able to manage survival through the blood bath, the cure being injected, Tanjiro immediately turned back into a human, now everything is at peace again

Of course almost everyone was in the butterfly estate healing, The Hashira's were able to heal fast as usual even though it took a bit more days cus of how everyone was facing Muzan, Muichirou has not left Kotetsu side, even though recently he discovered his sunshine, he didn't want to let go at all, everyone around him felt like it's only right and fair to not celebrate their true victory yet until those they care about have finally recovered. Everyone cared for Kotetsu, knowing it was him And Swordsmiths that also fulfilled their role, but it was cus they refused to have someone at that age dying, Tanjiro knew what that was like, everyone left Muichirou alone except Tanjiro, having to only see through one eye and only have one stable arm seeing Muichirou so close to the sleeping Kotetsu then thinking back a bit of one of his younger brothers, it didn't go unnoticed that a few days Muichirou had teary eyes ever since he bought Kotetsu back to the estate now it was just straight up red and dried out.

Thing is Kotetsu was eventually gonna wake up and that is what happened, but truth is Muichirou had been devastated not just by what happened to kotetsu, and their victory against Muzan, but it was the fact that they were here now all because Kotetsu wanted to give Muichirou flowers.

Muichirou POV

"I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAD TO PUT THROUGH ALL OF THIS!" I cried. Kotetsu was however shaken and a bit too dizzy, I should of been more gentle I felt like I was hugging him till he wouldn't breath anymore, Tanjiro just had that awkward face, it was obvious that I never felt or even sound like that for a long time, he then decided to finally leave us alone and after Kotetsu was able to see properly again he immediately hug me back with more teary eyes than I did, but we both was having our emotional moment, we stayed hugging for 10 minutes. "Thank you for the flowers" I whispered to his ear. "I couldn't bring these to you without either tripping or having something collapsing on me, why couldn't I do things properly!?" Kotetsu yelled. I giggled a bit, I then told him "Sometimes you don't always have to do things properly, you trying and doing it is always gonna be enough." I swear I just now sounded like Tanjiro. "Then let me do something I can do, he'll even this I can do properly and it's all because you taught me." Kotetsu said. I was confused but I didn't notice him leaning towards me and kiss me on the cheek, the same way I did when we slept together that one night, my face was a tomato. "We'll played" I said quietly.

Aoi then came In as she had to informed me that all the Hashira's were to have one final meeting, idk what though, so I told Kotetsu he had to wait for me a bit as it might take a bit.

Kotetsu POV
Another Time Skip

The Demon Slayer Corp has disbanded, which means our Swordsmith duty's for the corp are over, even though I barely got to do anything, I thought maybe with what I learned I thought of making myself useful considering how different things are going to be in the future and I might live enough to see at least some of it through. Tanjiro and Nezuko have decided to return to their home, for some reason they decided to have that boat head and that very loud noodle head live with them, they wouldn't be my first choice in terms of household but I respect their choice, the hashiras we're gonna continue staying in their estates, as for the two only demons left, Tamayo and Yushiro got a bit closer towards each other and decided to assist Kanao who decided to become a doctor, and she's great at it, I think the rest of the butterfly girls along with Shinobu will help her along the way.

I have to return to koto though since we gotta start our new life's without demons right away, but I did had time to spend more with Muichirou, to think how we grew a liking to each other since we met before the Swordsmith village incident. "You know your one of three that was able to help me with memories." I didn't expect to hear that from him, I didn't even know I helped him and even before that I didn't know he had been struggling with his memories until I got to know him better, I blushed. "Agh when training im so serious but I cannot keep my composure when I'm around you!" I apparently pouted out loud. "I am serious about what I said I truly am sorry about how I treated you the first time, you and few others have given me a better perspective, and what made me want to keep staying alive was my family that still looks up towards and most" he said. I was red now.

Koto was almost here so had to leave but not without bidding farewell for real. "Don't think this is the end, We will still be in each others reach, and for me I can figure out a thing or to." I said with a smirk. "I'm hoping to see you again, when we aren't busy." Muichirou felt happy and heartwarmed from me saying that, I decided to give him another kiss in the cheek, which got him suprised and flustered honestly it's cute, as I slowly was about to walk away, I stopped, I knew this wasn't enough so I immediately jumped towards and gave him a biggest kiss I never thought I be giving to anyone at this age

" Muichirou felt happy and heartwarmed from me saying that, I decided to give him another kiss in the cheek, which got him suprised and flustered honestly it's cute, as I slowly was about to walk away, I stopped, I knew this wasn't enough so I imm...

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3rd POV

The Former Mist Hashira was baffled and speechless, his first kiss in the lips was not what he thought he be receiving and truth to be told he enjoyed it, he then embrace Kotetsu and kisses back, he tried not making it a mess for the stake of making Kotetsu lose his innocence, but it was him that ended up making the kids sloppy, it was suprising he was a good kisser, they then pulled back both red, it's clear that Kotetsu might not wear his mask as often when he's with muichirou. Before parting ways while holding each other Muichirou said "You are and will always be my sunshine." Hearing that made Kotetsu very happy as he finally got the courage to tell muichirou he loved him back and hopefully by starting slow and seeing each other more often, they be know as one of the most adorable couple in the land and soon join everybody with Japan finally in peace. A World without demons, in the far future a photo of everyone who survived the war had both Kotetsu and Muichirou cuddling and being so happy with each other

Everything was perfected now


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