Chapter 8 ! Feeling real happy rn-

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You and Muichiro walk into the classroom and as usual Shinobu is the first person there , upon seeing you and Muichiro's matching hairstyle she chuckles softly as she says " Ara~ How sweert! You two got a matching couple look!" You quickly flush red , You forgot that you had tied those pigtails as a joke but you completely forgot about it!

You slowly reach for Muichiro's hair , attempting to untangle the pigtails but Muichiro swiftly pulls you close as he grabbed your wrists as he whispered to your ear " Aww.. but aren't we dating..." He whispered . I could feel his warm breath on my neck and shinobu smiled widely and left the two of us alone.

Soon after , your brother , Giyuu walked into the classroom and pulled you away from Muichiro and then gave him a death glare. Muichiro slightly flinched as you made a mental note not to ever anger his brother in law (HAHA) -I mean classmate.

Giyuu asked you in a murderous tone " Did that brat do anything to you?" You shook your head as a reply as he went to his seat to do his so called 'morning revision" Muichiro rolled his eyes at Giyuu's childishness as you two went to your seats , waiting for your homeroom teacher , Salami.









You trudged to Kimetsu cafe unwillingly as you opened the doors and see a bunch of unfamiliar people in the cafe. After a few seconds you noticed that Daki was there and it apparently was Kizuki cafe. You stared with your mouth agape as you turned to leave and a rainbow eyed employee stopped you.

"Oh my! You're the cute girl  I met last week! Nice to meet you again!" He said with a smile on his face as another employee pushed him off and said " Don't mind this bitch , are you lost?" Apparently his name was Hakuji and he had a deep hate for the rainbow colored eye guy. You nodded , bewildered by his sudden attitude change.

As he was getting ready to leave , you were stopped by a tall man that looked like the manager of Kimetsu cafe. ( It's Yorrichi) You inquired , " Do you know this man called Yorrichi Tsuguniki ?" He looked briefly suprised as you mentioned him but soon regained his composure. "Yes I do . He's my twin." He said . He introduced himself as Michakatsu as he invited you for a cup of tea.

So you and Michakatsu settled down as he asked you " Do you know my nephews, Muichiro and Yuichiro? I heard a lot from you about them ." "A-ah yes..." You stammered . Muichiro's uncle had a scary aura around him and it felt quite unsettling do be in. "I have also heard that you and Muichiro were dating?" He asked as politely as possible . You spit out the tea you were drinking ( in a kdrama way ofc ) as he seemed quite unstartled by your behavior.

After many seconds of silence , you finally spoke up .. "Sorry.. I wasn't careful..." As you offered a napkin to him . He gave you a small smile as he said ," Are you enjoying Muichiro's company ? Is he good to you?" You nodded as you managed to let out a small smile.

You two talked for half an hour before you realized that you were late for your shift and had to leave. All the workers at Kizuki cafe bid you goodbye ( except Daki) as you left with a small smile on your face...

Upon reaching Kimetsu Cafe which was just a few footsteps away , Sabit followed by Kanao followed by Zenitsu pounced on you giving you a tremendous  bear hug as you saw that your brother was slowly becoming insane. The moment he saw you he gave you a giant hug as the five of you toppled down on the floor, laughing heartily.

Sabito told you that when you were gone Giyuu was so angry that he gave death glares to everyone while trying to look at you. Kanao was so scared looking there and then while Shinobu arrived for a short while before returning home . Although that calmed down Giyuu a little he still gave death stares to everyone.







After finishing your shift you were on your way home as a figure suddenly appeared from the alley at the back of the street and grabbed your hands . You turn around and saw a figure dressed in a black hoodie.. ( Angst coming...) The figure slowly took off his hoodie and you saw someone that you could never forget...

It was your ex boyfriend, Gyutaro, in his hands he was holding a small pocket knife as you shook from fear , past memories flooding to your mind at one go....

It was a spring afternoon as you and Aoi were going to the garden for lunch, you were getting a creepy feeling as if someone was watching you... When Aoi left you to go buy some drinks, Gyutaro appeared and dragged you to a small area where he touched you multiple times (I'M SO SORRY) before you were spotted by Yuichiro who was walking by and saw that scene . You had already broken up with Gyutaro a few weeks ago but he was still wanting to pursue you... When he and you were still together, he would hit you so many times with his fist without stopping until you passed out.

Yuichiro abandoned the ice cream he was eating and quickly kicked Gyutaro away then giving you his jacket to cover you before bringing you back to Aoi and informing her what happened ....You decided not to tell anyone else about this as it was only a secret between the three of you guys as you guys swore to never tell anyone.


You felt something damp slide down your face as you quickly tried to run away but he sharply yanked your wrist and said in a sadistic tone  " Where are you going huh? You aren't going to leave me here right?" His tone sent shivers down your spine as you tried to escape but to no avail. Suddenly a figure from the dark kicked Gyutaro away as you stared at the mysterious figure with wide yet thankful eyes as tears would not stop brimming from your cheeks. 



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