1 - New and old

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"That's the third time this week Yejin!" Mr. Lee says, placing his head in his hands, and massaging his temples. 

I roll my eyes at the obvious statement. 

"Don't you roll your eyes at me! I understand you are the best dancer in the academy, but this type of behavior cannot be tolerated!"

He leans back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest. "Why did you punch Jongdae in the face anyways?"

I knew it would come to this question. I have an awful temper issue, so getting in trouble is quite difficult for me to avoid. Usually, I control myself, but this week it's been impossible for me. 

Jongdae, on the other hand, is infuriating. I understand that punching a handsome guy in the nose isn't the best way to start the day, but what would you expect a girl as stupid as me to do when a guy throws a water bottle at her face? 

I am lucky enough that it didn't hit my eye. 

I sink into my seat in annoyance and mumble, "Why don't you ask him?"

"Yejin." He warns.

"He threw a damn bottle at my face! What do you want me to do? Smile?"

I dig my nails into my skin. 

I was getting mad again, and the last thing I wanted was for me to kick this idiot of a headmaster in the balls. 


 Mr. Lee sighs and leans forward. "As a punishment, you will show our newest student around. He is in the same group as you, so be nice."

I hate him.

I squint my eyes and huff at his punishment. "Fine." 

I get up and walk out of his office without glancing at the old man. As I walk back to the Poseidon practice room, I think about how to at least try to be nice. 

Do I have to smile? 

I hate smiling for no reason. 

I have no idea how to act cause we rarely ever get new students. 

I go to Prime Academy, a five-star academy for dancing. So basically, everyone here is a professional dancer. Including me. 

All of us are divided into three houses– Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. 

I'm in Poseidon. 

Some of us get a scholarship–like me– and some of us buy their way in–like Jongdae– so it's very hard to get into the academy. 

I walk into the practice room, fixing my clothes. I'm not the best at choosing outfits, but I could say I'm decent. I am wearing a navy blue hoodie and white sweatpants. Based on our house colors, we must wear our clothes. 

I kinda like that idea. 

I let my eyes wander around the room until they find what they're looking for. A boy with brown hair, wearing a dark blue shirt and grey jeans. My elder brother Minkyung. 

He is chatting with Jongdae, his face having an expression I can't decipher. I feel a wave of fear wash over me. As soon as his eyes fall on me, my toes go numb. 

I love my life. 



I've always been afraid of him. He hates me. 

But... doesn't everyone? 

I struggle to keep my straight face on as he stomps towards me. I can already hear my heartbeat thumping so loud, I'm sure he can hear it too. I turn my hand into a fist and dig my grey-painted nails into my skin. 

He stops in front of me and looks me dead in the eye. "What gives you the right to punch my best friend?!" 

 He yells, catching the attention of everyone in the room. 

My palms sweat with all the attention on us. I feel my heartbeat accelerating even more in fear.

I hate this. I hate how weak he makes me. 

I hate myself.

"He threw a bottle at me," I whisper, looking down at my feet. I let out a heavy sigh, and before he can yell any longer, I say, "Sorry." 

I know no one else in the room heard me. They'd all be so shocked if they did. The cold-blooded Yun Yejin is shaking in fright and horror. Oh, My God!!!


I mentally roll my eyes.

Our dance coach and choreographer Mrs. Kim– or Daeun, as she likes us to call her– clears her throat to gain everyone's attention. "That's enough of yelling. I have a big announcement! We have a new student."

She looks at me. 

My expressionless face remains intact as I crumble to dust with all the attention internally. 

"Miss Yun will be showing him around. Principal's orders." 

Everyone starts cheering. Minkyung, who is still next to me glares at me one last time before walking toward his friends. A glare that makes shivers run down my spine. 

I definitely feel the love of a brother towards his sister. 

I glance at Jongdae, who is proudly smirking at me with a bandage on the tip of his nose. I feel my blood bubble inside of me, but I let out a heavy breath and walk towards Daeun.

"Yejin." She says, looking up at me.

She seems to acknowledge my presence. 

"Where is he?" I ask, not wanting to start an unnecessary conversation. 

She looks at me fazed. 

"The new guy."

"Ah yes. At the headmaster's office. In fact, I was just about to call you to go there."

Without saying anything else, I walk out of the room and make my way toward Mr. Lee's office.





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