12. Anonymous and unknown

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"Prime Academy? The complete RIVAL of Jade Academy?" I ask while mixing the medicine in the glass of water with a long spoon and drinking it fast.

I scrunch my nose due to the bitter taste. 


"I know that's not what you planned at all, but trust me, everything will work out fine." Bangchan's voice reaches my ears from the phone.

I've known him for a while, ever since I found out that he remembered who he ACTUALLY was. 

But that's a story for another day. 

I nod, but then realize that he can't see me and reply with a simple, "Fiiiiine," 

"I need to go. Take care, Heiryung." He informs me. 

"Ok Chan, byeeeeeee," 


I cut the call and sigh. This just made finding him much more difficult. 

I mean, sure, his friends are there, but he visits Jade Academy more often, probably because his rich ass company sponsors it.

Oh well. It looks like I must get ready to go to Prime Academy.

___ . ___

"Here is your schedule, and you have been assigned to the Hades house. Jisung is on his way; he'll be showing you around." Headmaster Lee says as he hands me a paper with all my classes and their timing printed on it.

I nod. Jisung is a friend of Bangchan's; I've met him. At least I know SOMEONE here. 

We hear a faint, "May I come in?" from outside the office door.

Mr. Lee replies in affirmative and Jisung walks in. I'm guessing Bangchan has already informed him about my arrival here. I guess none of them expected me to end up in the right house.

How fortunate. 

"Follow me," He says, and we both walk out. 

"So, I guess I have to tell you about everything that goes on here." He says.

I chuckle and reply, "Yes, apparently." 

"Ok, so since our house is Hades, so we have to wear red," He states, pointing at his maroon Bangtan Boyz shirt. "Like every day."

"Like, no white, black, grey, or anything?" 

"No, wait, THOSE are allowed, but there must be at least a little bit of red or something too."

I hold in a laugh. "Am I the only one who thinks that rule is kinda stupid?" I hand-quote the 'rule' part.  

He shakes his head, giggling. "No, I do too. Literally, everyone does. But, apparently, it's for recognition purposes. So all the houses can be recognized."

"Ohhhhhhhhh," I respond. "That low-key makes more sense."

"I guess I must tell you something important. Soooooo, as usual, there is a 'best dancer' in the academy." 

I'm not surprised. But, looking at how fancy-schmancy this place is, it's believable. "Who is it?"

"She's in the Poseidon house. Yun Yejin." He continues, "Don't be fooled by her rude looks, though; she really isn't mean; she's actually nice. At one of the house competitions, when I first got to see her dance, she was AMAZING!" 

I really want to meet her now.

"Wow. I must definitely see her then." I say. "So, are you a fan of Bangtan Boyz?"

I can't help but notice how cool his shirt looks. I'm actually a big fan of the band. I really look up to Moon, the girl who sometimes sings with them too. 

Jisung grins really wide, answering my question. "YES." 

"Same dude." 

"I'm like gay for them!" 

I laugh. But I'm now a little suspicious. I'm not a homophobe at all. I honestly think gay couples are really cute, but I'm straight. 

___ . ___

"I'm dead." I breathe out as I drink water. 

"Heiryung, you dance amazingly!" Hyunjin exclaims, laughing. 

I thank him and then watch Jisung get all red due to Minho's excessive flirting. I knew it. 

Changbin savages through his backpack and then throws the others their bottles. Felix barely manages to catch his while Seungmin catches his perfectly. Felix pouts at Seungmin and cries, "No fair," 

We all laugh. I'm glad I found some friends here. They're all so nice. 

But there's no time to rest. The game has just started.

I still need to find him and defeat Knorr. 








The game has just begun. I will not give up


A/N: HEYYYY GUYSS! I'm so sorry for not posting, I was a little busy with personal stuff. I added this chapter to show how different things are going on all at the same time. 

AND this is also a little hint for what might occur in my new story THE BRIGHTEST CLOUD!!!

Please check that out too...


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