Critique Partner Search

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Are you interested in finding a critique partner to help you with your story? If the answer is yes, keep on reading

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Are you interested in finding a critique partner to help you with your story? If the answer is yes, keep on reading.

The Bootcamp Mentors is proud to present the Critique Partner Search. This initiative is open to everyone, and it all started as a way to connect writers with similar genre interests and storytelling styles. Perhaps you've submitted to a mentor and were not chosen this time around, but you still want feedback on your story. If you are willing to provide feedback to another writer in exchange, this could be the program for you. 

How does the Critique Partner Search work? 

If you're interested in finding a critique partner to help you with your story, please head to the #cp-search channels on BCM's Discord server (link in bio). Instructions are pinned there. If you are unable to access Discord, you can share your details in the comments section of this chapter using the POSTING FORMAT we've provided below. 

The instructions are pretty straight forward. You will simply post your story details so that other folks can read them. You will also want to read your fellow writers' posts, as this is a two-way exchange. If there's a blurb that intrigues you, check out that writer's work on Wattpad. If you enjoy their story, reach out to them (either on their Wattpad profile or via Discord DM) to see if they are interested in reading your work. 

What's new about the Critique Partner Search?

Beginning June 2023, The Critique Partner Search became a regular part of BCM's Discord resources, so you can visit our Discord server throughout the year to look for a critique partner.

What else is new in 2023? Something for our Creators and Wattpad Originals writers.

In response to inquiries from our growing community of writers, we are expanding the critique partner initiative to support published authors and folks who have signed with Wattpad's writer programs! These writers will find their own space on BCM's Discord server where they can engage with other experienced writers looking to exchange feedback.

If you fall into this category, you will need to join our Discord server and request the CP Pro role in the #maintenance channel. Then look for the #cp-pro channels and start connecting. 

It's best to establish expectations early.

Availability and writing styles vary among critique partners, so it's best to establish ground rules up front. How much time are each of you able to commit? How will information be exchanged and how often? Please see our chapter titled Critique Partner Tips and Etiquette to understand the nuances of a successful critique partnership. We also encourage you to look at the Critique Checklist chapter, which includes helpful questions to ask when working with another writer's manuscript.

Keep in mind that this is not a way to get reads or votes, nor is this a way to get free proofreading. Critique partnerships are hard work, but they provide maximum benefits if you both put in equal effort. We advise you not to participate in this search if you are resistant to constructive criticism.


Wattpad Username:


Word Count:

Warnings: (if your story is marked mature or contains extreme violence, coarse language throughout, mature sexual content, or potential triggers such as rape, abuse, self-harm, etc)

Blurb: (see the Tags and Blurbs chapter for more information about writing a blurb)

Story Title and Link:

📌 IMPORTANT: Once you find a critique partner, PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST SO OTHERS DON'T CONTACT YOU. Remember, you will need to join BCM's Discord server to participate in this ongoing initiative. Just look for our #cp-search channels once you get there.

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