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Third Person P.O.V

"Oh, what lead her highness in my humble abode" the man with Black hair said sarcastically.

The woman in suit just look at him seriously.

"I cannot find her" she said..

The man burst in laughter.

"Hahahahahahaha W-Wait pft! Hahahaha" the man held his stomach in laughter.

While he wipe his tears in laughter.

"*inhale* She is not some child you need to guard so much, she have her own thoughts, and are you not use to it? She always leave unexpectedly but sooner or later when she's bored, she will come back, so stop worrying like an old hen, and enjoy life! Sister" The man comfort and said to the woman.

The woman sigh and sat in the sofa.

"I just can't help it, even if she's older than us, she always makes me worry, who knows, who is she provoking next and what chaos she will bring, we both know, she's been obsessed with killing 'it' " She said helplessly.

The man also sigh while he adjust his necktie.

"Well, your worries is not unfounded" the man said as he close his eyes.

Silence ruled the room, only their breathing were heard.

They just wished, prayed that no matter where she is, She's safe.

"Welcome!, to San Argus Academy for Supernaturals!!" A cheerful blond girl greeted the new students.

Everyone have different emotion, some were confused by the new environment, some were scared, many were excited and few just don't particularly care.

One of them, stood out a girl with straight black hair light the color of the night softly dancing with winds, her eyes the gentle ash like the color of the moon.

Many keeps looking at her direction for her beauty.

As they travelled the hallway, many students look at them, some don't care and many were simply curious.

Suddenly a Sliver haired girl appeared infront of them.

"Hey!, are these, the new transfer, what a bunch of..........." her voice trailed and stop as she examine the new students and her eyes stop at a certain black haired.

"Beauty" she murmured,

The blond laugh at her sentence.

"Indeed, a beauty" she snickered, as she walk away with the new students walking behind her.

After they travelled that whole campus, many students, immediately goes to their own dorm and rest.

But a certain Black haired girl, walk in the forest, as she continued, deep, and deeper inside the forest she saw a Mill and saw someone playing a flute.

The melody brought by the sound is calming, along with the wind and sound of the birds, the flute sounded and envelop the whole forest.

The girl look at the one playing it.

Smiled blossom in her red lips.

Her eyes gleam in interest.

"Monarch" she uttered.

The playing suddenly stopped, and a huge killing intent came from her direction, as a dagger flew toward her, she raised her hand and catch the dagger with her index an middle finger.

When a huge force punch her abdomen, she flew away, when she is about to get up, a hand choke her and raised her up.

She was greeted by a ferocious, Wolf eyes, different from a normal wolf, her eyes, golden color with a mix of blood.

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