Chapter 1

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TimberPaw laid down uncomfortably in the healer's den, FalkPelt treating his paw, removing porcupine quills and such. He had reached his paw into a porcupine den,and got a bunch of quills in his flesh after his mouse-brained friend, DirePaw, told him it was a rabbit's den. TimberPaw was ashamed to have ever trusted a cat like DirePaw, as DirePaw did many things that did not compliment his intelligence. Actually, TimberPaw wasn't sure if the words DirePaw and intelligence should be used in the same sentence.
"All the quills are out. Just rest for a day and your paw will be fine. You can go to the apprentice den if you want." FalkPelt informed TimberPaw. TimberPaw nodded, slowly getting up and refraining from putting pressure on his injured paw. He awkwardly walked into the apprentice den, flopping onto the bed of moss he had claimed as his own. Just then, a scruffy, blue-eyed, gray and yellow tortoiseshell tom with a tooth sticking out of the right side of his mouth walked in. One that TimberPaw very much did not wish to see.
"Heeeyyyy TimberPaw... Your- uh, paw doing okay?" DirePaw sheepishly asked.
"Just delightful. It has never felt better." TimberPaw said sarcastically. "Really?! I thought it would take longer!" DirePaw meowed, surprised.
"No, not really you mouse-brain! I won't be able to train for a whole day because of you!" TimberPaw hissed. DirePaw jumped from the sudden aggression, then lowered his head apologetically. "I really didn't know it was a porcupine den! I could've sworn I saw a rabbit go inside!" DirePaw explained. "PORCUPINES AND RABBITS LOOK NOTHING ALIKE!" TimberPaw shouted, hackles raised. DirePaw stared at him for a moment before bowing his head and exiting the apprentice den. TimberPaw relaxed and laid down his head, closing his eyes even though he was not tired.
The silence he had did not last long though, as it seemed the other apprentices had finished their duties for the day.
"TimberPaw! Wakey Wakey!" An extremely annoying voice meowed. "I'm not asleep." Responded TimberPaw, opening his eyes and looking up to see a brown mackerel tabby cat with green eyes. This tom in-front of him was AcornPaw, the most annoying cat TimberPaw had ever met, well, DirePaw was a close second.
"Then what are you laying around for? Go out and hunt or something! I was hunting just now actually, I caught 2 finches and a vole! Pretty impressive for my first time don't you think?" AcornPaw boasted. AcornPaw had only recently become an apprentice, in fact, all of the apprentices had only just started their training. TimberPaw grumbled in response to AcornPaw's boasting. He would have loved to go out and hunt and show AcornPaw he was more skilled than him, but of course DirePaw had to screw everything up. They were actually both hunting for the first time, but DirePaw had to mistake the porcupine for a rabbit before TimberPaw could even catch anything.
"Say, what happened to you on your first hunting trip? Got a pawful of porcupine quills I heard." AcornPaw teased before bursting out in a fit of laughter. He quite liked knowing he had done better than somebody else. Didn't matter who it was. Although, he seemed to have taken a liking to being better than TimberPaw. Another cat sat next to AcornPaw, a hazel colored, green-eyed she-cat named OakPaw. "AcornPaw, leave him alone.." OakPaw meowed quietly. "Silence, dear OakPaw, I am simply speaking facts with TimberPaw." AcornPaw meowed in response. TimberPaw sighed and laid his head back down on the moss. "Hey! I'm not done talking!" AcornPaw exclaimed. "And I'm not done resting. Leave me alone." TimberPaw meowed. AcornPaw scoffed, turning around and marching over to his own moss bed. OakPaw tiredly followed and laid down on the one next to him. As the two chattered, (it was mostly AcornPaw doing the chattering) TimberPaw closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
DirePaw wandered through the camp, unsure of what to do. Normally, he would spend his free time hanging out with TimberPaw, (he had done this since they were kits, much to TimberPaw's dismay) but now that TimberPaw was angry at him (not for he first time) he wasn't sure what to do. Despite the fact that TimberPaw's natural emotion was annoyed, he rarely got angry enough to yell. It had shaken up DirePaw, and he had come to the conclusion that TimberPaw might like some time away from him. DirePaw did realize that this was his fault for the most part, I mean, if he thought he saw a rabbit, why didn't he go get it himself? Then he would be the one with a injured paw and his friend would be out hunting. He would much rather prefer it that way. TimberPaw was his only friend actually. (Again, much to TimberPaw's dismay.) Considering the fact there had been 8 kits besides him when he was born, you would think he would have at least 2 friends. Well, he supposed the reason TimberPaw was the only one he managed to keep a connection with was because 1: AcornPaw is much too prideful, 2: OakPaw is scared of everything, and 3: 5 kits died from green cough. It was quite the tragedy, almost broke AbyssStar in two. The Clan is very much lacking in the warrior department, and 9 kits was like a blessing for the clan! Although, 4 kits is better than nothing. Currently, there are only 5 warriors in the Clan. But by the end of DirePaw's apprenticeship, there should be 7! (He plans to become a warrior with TimberPaw.) Now that DirePaw thought about it, he had always assumed TimberPaw didn't like him, but TimberPaw had never outwardly said he didn't like him. He would just tell DirePaw to "go away" or "leave me alone" or "stop being a mouse-brain for once." The thought of this cheered DirePaw up, TimberPaw probably likes him at least a little bit! However, he is still stuck with the problem of having nothing to do. DirePaw's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the call of his leader.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Hightree." AbyssStar's voice travels throughout the camp. DirePaw eagerly rushes over to the Hightree, which is a large collapsed tree in camp, and sits down, looking up at his leader, AbyssStar, the deputy, EthioWing, a light reddish-orange yellow-eyed she-cat whose ears and tail are a darker shade, and the medicine cat, FalkPelt. Other Clan members begin to gather around the tree, eagerly awaiting what their leader has to announce. DirePaw in particular notices TimberPaw near the back of the crowd, sitting with a slightly more annoyed expression than usual. DirePaw decides to let him be. Turning his attention back to the Hightree, AbyssStar begins to speak.
"As you all know, the past few moons for our clan have been... rough. Especially leaf bare. However, I have made a decision that will help us through these trying times. WolfClan will make a temporary alliance with BadgerClan." AbyssStar announced to the clan. DirePaw glanced around, seeing expressions of unease, worry, anger, disgust, and other emotions. It seemed this was not news the clan liked. DirePaw glanced at TimberPaw, who's expression had gone from slightly more annoyed than normal to... how did he describe it? Mediumly more annoyed than normal? Sure, he'd go with that. He turned back to AbyssStar. "I know many of you will not like this decision, but-" AbyssStar gets cut off by a yelp from FalkPelt. Everybody stares at the medicine cat, who is staring up at the stars.
"FalkPelt? What's wrong?" AbyssStar asks worriedly. "I-It's StarClan! A prophecy!" FalkPelt exclaims. The Clan cats, look around at each other, curious. "Well, what is it?" AbyssStar asks. FalkPelt shakes his head, turning to AbyssStar. "Beware the cats who live on their own, beware the cats who have their own throne." (Side note: I KNOW IT'S REALLY BAD BUT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE A WARRIOR CATS PROPHECY OKAY) FalkPelt's words echo throughout the camp, and a silence befalls everybody. DirePaw shifts on his paws. Cats who live on their own? Did it mean the loners or the rogues? The Cats who have their own throne, did it mean other Clans? DirePaw's mind whirled, as did many others in the camp. "Hmm." AbyssStar pondered. AbyssStar shook his head. "This meeting is dismissed. I will tell all of you more about the alliance after the gathering." AbyssStar announced, jumping off the Hightree and entering the leader's den. EthioWing and FalkPelt did the same, entering the dens they both belonged in respectively. The other Clan cats followed, going into the dens. It was clear however, that every cat was at unease. DirePaw glanced around until he spotted TimberPaw, deciding he would talk with him now. He ran up to the limping cat, earning a glare from TimberPaw. "Need any help?" DirePaw asked. "No." TimberPaw answered tersely. The two walked in silence toward the apprentice den, DirePaw walking slower than he normally would to keep pace with TimberPaw. "What do you think about the alliance? And the prophecy?" TimberPaw asked, breaking the silence. "I dunno. I mean, I don't really trust BadgerClan, but if it helps us through leaf bare... as for the prophecy, I have no idea." DirePaw answered. TimberPaw nodded, entering the apprentice den that DirePaw had not noticed they'd reached. DirePaw followed, laying down on a patch of moss next to TimberPaw.
"Ah, DirePaw! There you are!" AcornPaw exclaimed, jumping up from his moss bed. He padded over to DirePaw, sitting down in-front of him.
"How was your hunting trip today?" AcornPaw asked, clearly ready to tell DirePaw about how skilled he was on his hunting trip. "Oh! Well, besides getting TimberPaw injured, it was great! I caught 2 voles and a mouse!" DirePaw told AcornPaw happily, oblivious to the fact AcornPaw just wanted to talk about how better he was compared to him. "Well I caught 2 finches and a vole! Finches are quite hard to catch you know, much harder than voles and mice. Got to be careful or they'll fly away!" AcornPaw meowed, following the sentence with a boastful laugh. "Oh, that's great AcornPaw! I'm sure you'll be a great hunter once we're warriors!" DirePaw meowed joyfully. AcornPaw's face morphed into a strange, sort of confused expression. He was unsure how to react when people were this oblivious to him trying to brag. "Er- yes! I will be the greatest hunter out of all the warriors! Haha!" AcornPaw meowed, trying to make it sound like DirePaw hadn't caught him off guard. AcornPaw awkwardly got up and went back to his moss bed, starting up a conversation with OakPaw. TimberPaw let out a 'almost laugh' sound. DirePaw turned to him.
"What? Did I say something funny?" DirePaw asked. He was unaware of anything funny occurring in that interaction. "It's just funny seeing AcornPaw get all flustered like that. You do know he was trying to tell you he's better than you, right?" TimberPaw meowed. DirePaw pondered this for a moment. "Why would he do that?" DirePaw asked. "To boost his ego." TimberPaw answered. "Well, no, I didn't know, am I supposed to?" DirePaw asked. "I guess not, but it's astonishing how oblivious you are to these things." TimberPaw responded. TimberPaw stretched his legs out before curling up in a ball, getting ready to sleep. DirePaw did the same, curling up and closing his eyes, allowing sleep to overcome him.
             TimberPaw awoke the next day to OakPaw poking at his face nervously. "TimberPaw.. C'mon we gotta get going.." OakPaw meowed timidly. "Ok ok, I'm awake. But don't touch me." TimberPaw snarled. OakPaw jumped, turning away from TimberPaw and running out of the den. TimberPaw shook his head. TimberPaw spotted DirePaw waiting at the entrance. "We're training together today TimberPaw! Isn't that great? SilverFur said we work well together!" DirePaw explained. SilverFur was DirePaw's mentor, a blue-eyed tom with a silver pelt. TimberPaw sighed. "Ok.." he said slowly, getting up from his moss bed and stretching. His paw felt much better now. "Lead the way." He said tiredly. DirePaw smiled, skipping out of the den. TimberPaw followed, (much less joyfully) as DirePaw led them to a spot in the woods. There they were greeted by 2 cats, SilverFur and RobinClaw. RobinClaw was TimberPaw's mentor, a half blind blue-eyed tom with a orange and gray bicolor coat. "Took you long enough." RobinClaw snarled at the apprentices. "Sorry RobinClaw! I'll try being faster next time." DirePaw meowed. RobinClaw simply grunted in response. "Your speed aside, let's get to training!" SilverFur said joyously. "We want you to spar with each other. Whoever pins the other down for 5 seconds first wins." RobinClaw grumpily explains. DirePaw is excited by the idea. "Yes, wonderful idea I know, I came up with it!" SilverFur boasts. RobinClaw grumbled something unintelligible in reply, most likely an insult. The two apprentices get into position, waiting for SilverFur to start the fight. "And... go!" SilverFur meows. TimberPaw launches himself at DirePaw immediately, catching him by surprise. DirePaw darts out of the way, TimberPaw landing and turning around to face DirePaw. DirePaw barrels toward TimberPaw with great speed, knocking him over and pinning him. Before five seconds pass, however, TimberPaw kicks DirePaw in the stomach with his hind leg, earning a yelp from the scruffy cat. TimberPaw uses this opportunity to push DirePaw off of him, running a few feet away from him. TimberPaw faces DirePaw, who shakes his head before focusing on the fight again. Their mentors watch closely, examining how they fight and what strategies they are using. (Or attempting to use.) DirePaw charges again, and TimberPaw stays in place. Just before DirePaw can reach him, TimberPaw jumps, propelling himself over DirePaw. This catches DirePaw by surprise, who skitters to a stop. Before DirePaw can turn around, however, TimberPaw crashes into him, knocking him on to his back and pinning him down. DirePaw struggles to break free, kicking at TimberPaw's underbelly but to no avail. "And.. 5! Great job guys!" SilverFur announces. TimberPaw gets off of DirePaw, allowing him to get to his feet. "Wow TimberPaw, you're really good!" DirePaw meows. "DirePaw." RobinClaw meows. DirePaw turns to the half blind warrior. "Yes?" He meows. "You need to work on your strategy, barreling ahead isn't going to get you anywhere. When TimberPaw dodged your attack, you wasted time trying to slow down." RobinClaw lectures. "Hey! How about I teach my apprentice and you teach yours." SilverFur meows to RobinClaw. RobinClaw glares at SilverFur before walking over to TimberPaw. The two continue doing this for a while, training with each other until they are allowed to return to camp.

"Man! I'm exhausted!" DirePaw announces. "How are you so good at fighting, TimberPaw?" DirePaw inquires. "I watch how the warriors fight. I try to replicate their strategies when I fight." TimberPaw answers. "Wow, really? That's smart!" DirePaw meows. "You could do it too, if you used your brain a bit more." TimberPaw comments insultingly. DirePaw laughs, but the he freezes. TimberPaw stops walking. "What is it?" TimberPaw asks. DirePaw's nose twitches. "Do you smell that?" DirePaw asks. TimberPaw lifts his nose, sniffing. A strange scent catches TimberPaw off guard. Was it a cat from another Clan? A rouge? Some kind of animal he hadn't smelled before? He couldn't tell. "Yeah... I do.. do you know what it is?" TimberPaw meows. "No clue." DirePaw answers. TimberPaw turns his head towards the source of the smell. It's coming from somewhere to the left of the camp. "Should we tell somebody? It doesn't look like anybody else smells it.." DirePaw meows, looking around at other clan cats who are seemingly oblivious to the smell. "Let's go check it out." TimberPaw answers, darting out of the camp through a small opening in trees. "Hey! Wait for me!" DirePaw meows, running after TimberPaw.
"Hm. I can't tell where the scent went." TimberPaw meows. Him and DirePaw were standing a random spot in the woods, trying to figure out what the smell had come from. "TimberPaw! Look!" DirePaw announces, looking at something on the ground. TimberPaw walks over to DirePaw, curious at what he has found. In front of them, there is a light orangish, kind of beige tuft of fur on the ground. Similar to a finch. "Is it from another cat?" DirePaw asks. TimberPaw sniffs the fur closely. "I think so.." TimberPaw answers. "Let's take it back to camp." DirePaw meows. TimberPaw nods his head in agreement, picking up the fur and running back through the woods towards the camp, DirePaw following close behind him.
When the two arrive at camp, they are approached by AcornPaw. "Where were you guys? You can't just leave camp whenever you want, you know." AcornPaw meows. TimberPaw rolls his eyes. "What's that?" AcornPaw meows, spotting the tuft of fur in TimberPaw's mouth. "Nothing!" DirePaw says abruptly, beginning to walk away. TimberPaw follows, and AcornPaw runs up beside them. "Tell me! Why does it smell like that?" AcornPaw annoyingly inquires. TimberPaw and DirePaw ignore him. The three cats approach the leader's den, AcornPaw bickering nonstop. In front of the den is the leader, AbyssStar, and the deputy, EthioWing. AbyssStar spots the three apprentices. "Hello, young ones. Is there something you need?" AbyssStar asks. EthioWing glares at the three. TimberPaw places the tuft of fur on the ground. "Me and DirePaw found this in the woods. Do you know what it is?" TimberPaw asks. AbyssStar sniffs the fur, eyes widening. "Where in the woods? Near the camp?" AbyssStar asks, a hint of panic in his voice. "Yeah, not too far from here. Just a 3 minute walk in that direction." DirePaw answers, pointing with his paw in the direction they had gone to find the fur. "Why, what is it?" DirePaw asks. AbyssStar glanced at EthioWing, who nods. "This is from the BadgerClan deputy."
Word count: 3008
Sorry if there were any grammar or spelling mistakes, I didn't proof read this.
Bonus: Doodle of TimberPaw and DirePaw

 Bonus: Doodle of TimberPaw and DirePaw

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