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In the morning, they wake me up at six on Monday I get up and Wonder whats going on.

"Jaydon what's going on"

"School" he looked at me oddly "You never been to school"


"Get ready you will like it ok" he smiled and kissed my cheek five minutes later were in the car on the way there another five minutes pass and were here we get out and head inside.

"I feel like everyone is looking at me"

"Well they should you'r perfect" jaydon grabs my hand and we walk down the hall when this girl gets in our way.

"Baby, I missed you" she hugs him and let go.

"What do you want Aubree" he sounded pissed and he grabbed my hand again and she looked very jealous.

"I want to get back together duh"

"I have a girlfriend now sorry" we walk past her "Don't look back ok"

"Ok, what was that about?"

"She's my ex-girlfriend we broke up a month ago"

"O, ok" he hugs me and people look whispering.

"You can be in my classes so no one flirts with you and so you wont get lost"

"Ok" we walk to a classroom which has kids in it and we walk in and they stare at me.

"I hate when people look at me like that it creeps me out"

"Sorry, well maybe they evy you" he smiles and kisses me and everyone smiles liked their impressed. The teacher walks in and looks at me shocked.

"Your dont go here do you?"

"No, i'm new here"

"What's your name"


"Well hello Brooke i'm Mr.Kyle's"

"Hello" I look at Jaydon who's smiling I see his dimples.

After school he walks me to this dark area where there were some kids making out and he kisses me aggressively.

"What are you doing"

"sorry did I hurt you?"

"Ya kinda"

"I'm sorry, this is the place were people you know make out" he looked at me and I did the unthinkable.....I pulled so close to me our bodies touched.. I didnt know what I was thinking but one thing came to mind..and...I loved it. He gave me this sexy look and I made out with him. We went back to the house and Maddie was home.

"Hey why are you guys late"

"I had a math club meeting I coulnd't miss it so I took her along" he put his stuff down and sat on a chair and he pulled me on him, Maddie smiled joyfully.


"You two are dating aren't you"

"Ya but dont tell mom ok madd's"

"Croos my heart and hope to die" she looked at him with a huge smile on her face, when the door opened and I got up and ran to Sit by Maddie.

"Yoooooo" Luke came in and touched me I looked at Jaydon..boy it looked liked he had fire in his eyes. Maddie pushed him away and he gave her this 'go fuck yourslef' look. I went to my room and Jaydon and Maddie came along.

"Sorry he can be a really big jerk" Jaydon holds me and doesnt let go.

"It's ok" my head is on his chest and he kisses my head.

"So did you guys have sex yet"


"what?" I looked at her smiled than laughed.

"That's none of your buissness and no" he laughed so hard he snorted.

"Tell me when you do" she left and winked "but do it quick" she ran as fast as she could to her room and slammed the door.

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