**Song preference: Echo- Jason Walker**
I have watch again tonight. It's not the walkers that I'm afraid of-it's my haunting thoughts. Yes everyone has gone through some sort of loss, but now they all have each other. Rick Grimes has told me multiple times that, "family doesn't have to be blood, ya know". In that southern accent of his. Yes I do know, but I can't seem to open up with any of the others. As we all sit in this broken down barn waiting for the storm to pass, I'm contemplating on how I could start a new life if these lurkers were gone. I can't. The only person whose as quiet and standoffish as me would be Daryl. Carol told me he only had his douchebag of a brother before all of this-so he's practically alone (like me). That doesn't make me any better. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when a loud shot of thunder hits in the distance. Daryl is the only one awake, and he comes over to strike a conversation. This is the first time.
Daryl: "Hey."
(Y/N): I never noticed how handsome he is. "H-hey."
Daryl: "Crazy storm huh? I thought you could use some company."
(Y/N): "Thank you, Daryl. You know, this is the first actual time I've had a conversation with you."
Daryl: "Honestly, I'm not the conversation starter, but I thought I'd better come and talk to the new girl, let her know she's welcome." He winks and sets (Y/N) in a deep shade of red.
(Y/N): "Thank you, Daryl. I think you are the first person whose gone out of their way to talk to me. Even before all of this shit went down."
Daryl: "You don't seem like much of a chatter-box, so we all assume you need your space. Which, I'm sure you'd be enjoying right now if it weren't for me buggin' you."
(Y/N): "Don't worry about it."
Daryl: "I may not know a lot about you, but I know a damaged person when I see one." He grabs (Y/N)'s hand and intertwines his fingers with hers. "Don't let what happened before all of this make you who you are now. I was nobody before all of this, now I actually mean something to this group....and they ain't even family."
(Y/N): She quickly jerks her hand away from his. "You don't know me. You have no idea what I've been through before or after this hell broke loose. All you ever do is walk around with a smug look on your damn face and a crossbow thrown across your shoulder. And-an-"
Daryl: "You're right. I don't know you, and you sure as hell don't know me. But I'd like to change that."

Alone: Daryl Dixon fanfiction
FanfictionBeing alone in this apocalyptic world is not exactly what (y/n) asked for. But maybe a certain individual can make this hostile life worth living.